SY 2023-2024 Q2 Newsletter

The Official Publication of Jeddah Knowledge International School

SY 2023-2024

Primary School Newsletter

Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) - Primary School

Middle/Upper School (Girls Section) Newsletter

Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) - Middle School

Middle/Upper School (Boys Section) Newsletter

Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) - Upper School

JKS Students Newsletter

Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) - E-Library 2

Preprimary and Primary School

All About Me

Our Nursery students have completed their first Unit of Inquiry, called “All About Me”. Throughout this unit, students learned how to express themselves by talking about various emotions and feelings. They also enjoyed learning the names of body parts and dancing to motion songs such as “One Little Finger” and “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”. Additionally, this unit included crafts and activities for students to participate in, such as creating faces, handprints, and group collages. Moreover, the students learned about the five senses and their purposes. Overall, this unit was a lot of fun and served as a great way to begin the year. Well done, Nursery!


Ms. Eleanor Turner

Nursery Teacher

Feelings and Emotions

Our Pre-Kindergarten students have been learning about feelings and emotions in our Unit of Inquiry. It has been a wonderful journey of self-discovery and understanding for our students. Our classes started by exploring joy and happiness, with lots of smiles and laughter. They played interactive games and did creative activities to learn how to recognize and express happiness. They also shared toys and did colorful art projects, which brought positive energy to the classrooms. Story time and puppet shows helped them understand sadness. Developing emotional intelligence is an important step in building resilience. As our unit progressed, we introduced them to a range of emotions, from anger to calmness. The children have not only learned to recognize and understand their own feelings, but also appreciate the emotions of their peers. Through discussion and role-playing scenarios, students have been able to reflect on how to manage their emotions and help others who are feeling emotional.

Ms. Ashley Thompson

Pre-Kindergarten Teacher

Pre-K B is creating a very happy Sun
Pre-K C is expressing emotions through storytelling and puppetry

Exploring Wonderful Places: Kindergartners’ Adventure!

In our exciting journey through the “Places People Go” unit of inquiry, our curious kindergarteners have embarked on a thrilling exploration of different locations within their community. With eyes filled with wonder and hearts filled with enthusiasm, they have discovered that there are numerous amazing destinations just waiting to be discovered. Through their exploration of these various places, our kindergarteners have developed a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around them. They have realized that each place has its own unique charm and importance. By encouraging their curiosity, we aim to inspire a lifelong passion for learning and a desire to explore the many locations that people visit.


Ms. Grace Tabet

Kindergarten Teacher

Where we are in time and place

Unit of Inquiry

In this Unit of Inquiry, learners focused on the theme of Migration.

The idea of Migration brought about many interesting questions and discussions based upon differentiating between immigration and emigration prevalent in a variety of nations and societies. Thus, it was imperative that learners used their IB learner profiles which could best put them in the shoes (metaphorically) of immigrants around the world. Learners discovered that leaving home required being a “risk-taker”, furthermore, immigrants have to find or develop new ways to be a “communicator”. In this process of developing empathy, the IB profile of being “caring” is certainly enhanced.

In the following photos, in one of the many favorite activities, students were required to conduct research in the library using a variety of resources, subsequently they created posters to discuss which nations they would emigrate to, and why. In addition, learners would also be required to conduct an interview with immigrants to learn more about why Saudi Arabia was the destination they chose to move to, moreover, to learn about what circumstances can lead to someone emigrating from their own country.


Mr. Justin Nortje

PYP Homeroom Teacher

Book Character Day

Book Character Day was a special time where our students could pretend to be the characters they read about in their books. It made them feel closer to these stories, like they were part of the adventure. Characters from diverse genres and eras of literature came to life as our students donned costumes to represent their favorite characters. The air was filled with excitement as kids immersed themselves in the world of books – a true testament to the power of literature to spark children’s imagination. The chattering about book plots, relatable characters, and inspiring heroines/heroes continued throughout the day, leading to riveting discussions. It’s clear that everyone had a fantastic time, and the day was as educational as it was enjoyable.


Ms. Karen Whitehead

Deputy Head PYP

The grade 3 Production Celebrated Nobel Prize Winners.

In a dazzling display of culture and talent, our Grade 3 students took center stage in their recent production, honoring Nobel Prize winners from around the globe. The theme brought to life the achievements of laureates from Pakistan, Japan, Russia, France, and Egypt through a captivating blend of spoken word and dance.

The young performers seamlessly wove together narratives of brilliance and innovation, showcasing the remarkable contributions of Nobel laureates from diverse backgrounds. Through engaging storytelling, the students enlightened the audience about the intellectual prowess emanating from these countries.

Adding a vibrant touch to the evening, the students graced the stage in stunning traditional costumes, each ensemble representing the rich cultural tapestry of the featured nations. The highlight of the production was the spirited display of traditional dances, where the young performers brought the essence of each country to life through graceful and energetic movements.

The Grade 3 production not only celebrated intellectual achievements but also fostered an appreciation for global diversity and unity. The evening was a testament to the creative spirit of our students and their ability to embrace and honor the accomplishments of Nobel Prize winners from around the world.


Ms. Cornelia Van Der Watt

Deputy Head and English Coordinator

Grade 1 Sports Day

7 November 2023

The Grade 1 Sports Day held on 7 December 2023, was a thrilling display of athleticism and sportsmanship. The day brought Grade 1 students, teachers, and their parents together where the grade 1 students showcased their skills across a wide range of sports and fun activities. The students enjoyed the day with their parents and was given the opportunity to collaborate amongst their peers.

The day started with an energetic opening ceremony, where the grade 1 students displayed a vibrant parade in their different house colors and blew away the audience with their team’s war cries. The enthusiasm was palpable as the students started getting ready for their different activities and games. The sprawling venue, adorned with colorful banners and flags, buzzed with anticipation. The sports day featured a diverse range of events, including track, team sports, and individual challenges. The highlight of the event was undoubtedly the track events, where athletes showcased their speed, agility, and endurance.

The Grade 1 Sports Day was a resounding success, celebrating the spirit of competition, camaraderie, and personal growth. It provided a platform for students to showcase their talent, enjoy themselves, celebrate their achievements and foster a love for physical activities. The event left a lasting impression on students and spectators alike, reminding everyone of the power of sports to bring people together and instill a sense of unity. With its electrifying atmosphere and unforgettable moments, the sports day marked a truly memorable occasion, leaving the students, parents and teachers speechless with the joy and love created through all the lovely events that occurred throughout the day.

Ms. Danielle Smith

PYP PE teacher

The students are getting ready to do their war cry for spring In front of their parents and teachers with lots of excitement in the air.
Students are busy respecting their other teams while they perform their war cries.
Students are getting ready to make the audience aware that Winter is in the building through the parade.
Let’s not fear when Autumn is near and it is coming in strong and powerful.

PYP United Nations Day Celebration

The PYP section celebrated United Nations Day with vibrant costumes and rich culture. Students were given the opportunity to research and represent their selected country. “With enthusiasm and cultural pride, students embraced the traditions of their chosen countries, showcasing their attire and delectable treats, all while contributing to a charitable cause, their efforts serving as a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of global citizenship.”

Ms. Lisa Walls

Grade 1 Homeroom Teacher

اَلْيَوْم اَلْعَالَمِيِّ لِلْأُمَمِ اَلْمُتَّحِدَةِ

شِعَارِهَا ( اَلسَّلَامُ وَالْكَرَامَةُ وَالْمسَاوَة عَلَى كَوْكَبٍ يَنْعَمُ بِالصِّحَّةِ )

كَعَادَةَ مَدَارِسِنَا اَلسَّنَوِيَّةِ اِحْتِفَالَهَا بِالْيَوْمِ اَلْعَالَمِيِّ لِلْأُمَمِ اَلْمُتَّحِدَةِ وَذَلِكَ مِنْ خِلَالِ إِدْرَاجِ تَارِيخِ إِنْشَاءِ مُنَظَّمَةِ اَلْأُمَمِ اَلْمُتَّحِدَةِ فِي اَلْأَجِنْدَةِ اَلسَّنَوِيَّةِ لِلنَّشَاطِ اَلْمَدْرَسِيِّ وَذَلِكَ مِنْ خِلَالِ إِعْطَاءِ فِكْرَةٍ لِطُلَّابِنَا عَنْ اَلْهَدَفِ مِنْ إِنْشَاءِ هَذِهِ اَلْمُنَظَّمَةِ وَكَذَلِكَ عَدَدُ اَلدُّوَلِ اَلْمُشَارِكَةِ فِيهَا حيث مَايقَارْبْ 193 دَوْلَةٍ.

 اَلْهَدَفَ مِنْ إِنْشَائِهَا هُوَ مُنَاقَشَةُ مَشَاكِلِ اَلْعَالَمِ أَجْمَعَ وَالْعَمَلُ عَلَى إِيجَادِ حُلُولٍ تَتَنَاسَبُ مَعَ اَلْجَمِيعِ لِخِدْمَةِ اَلْبِيئَةِ وَالْمُجْتَمَعِ وَالْفَرْدِ أَيْضًا . يَتَمَحْوَرَ اَلنَّشَاطُ عَلَى اِخْتِيَارِ كُلِّ فَصْلِ مِنْ كُلِّ مَرْحَلَةٍ لِبَلَدٍ مُعَيَّنٍ يَعْمَلُونَ عَلَى إِبْرَازِ حَضَارَاتِ اَلْبَلَدِ وَثَقَافَتِهِ مِنْ خِلَالِ تَسْلِيطِ اَلضَّوْءِ عَلَى مَوْقِعِ اَلْبَلَدِ وَمَا تَشْتَهِرُ بِهِ وَعَدَدِ سُكَّانِهَا وَاللُّغَةِ اَلْأُمِّ لِكُلِّ بَلَدٍ وَكَذَلِكَ مَاتْشِتْهَرْ بِهِ مِنْ زِيٍّ رَسْمِيٍّ وَمَأْكُولَاتٍ تُعَبِّرُ عَنْ عَادَاتِ وَتَقَالِيدَ هَذِهِ اَلْبِلَاد.

كما تكمن المسؤوليه في المساعدة على بناء هذا العالم الذي ينعم فيه الجميع بالسلام والتنمية المستدامة وحقوق الإنسان.


أ. علاء كريشان

The Aquatic Ascendance; Where Swimming Stories Surface

What an incredible journey we have had, and it is all thanks to your hard work, dedication, and most importantly, your passion for swimming! The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of excitement as we have been learning, practicing, and preparing for some of the students’ first-ever swimming gala.

Our journey began with safety. You have all learned how to enter and exit the pool safely, ensuring that you are always in control when you are near the water. Safety is our number one priority! We practiced submerging our heads underwater and blowing bubbles. This essential skill helps you get comfortable with the water and builds your confidence.

The gala was just the beginning. It laid the foundation for their continued learning, development, and proficiency in swimming skills in grade 6 at MYP. We cannot wait to see your progress and achievements as you keep moving forward.

In closing, I want to congratulate each one of the students for their remarkable efforts and thank everyone for their teamwork and support. Together, we made this experience truly special.

Looking ahead to grade 6 at MYP, we are excited to see them continue to make waves in the world of swimming. Keep up the fantastic work, Swim Stars!

We must also acknowledge the fantastic effort you put into preparing for the gala. The students had less than six hours to get ready, and their commitment was outstanding! The event was not only about the medals but also about developing skills and abilities that will last a lifetime. Some of you had never performed in a gala before, let alone in front of your parents. Your bravery and teamwork were truly exceptional.

The Gala Highlights:

Students who finished 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the final races received medals and certificates as recognition of their incredible achievements. Students who finished 4th and 5th received certificates as well. These awards will be cherished memories that the students, can look back on with immense pride.

Mr. Mark Capes

PYP/MYP PE and Swimming Teacher

I cannot believe, I Ghassan Mahmoud from grade 5.5, managed to win most of the events. When my mom saw me succeed, I felt incredibly proud! My classmates were also amazing; they praised my hard work even though they tried their best too. It was a day filled with joy and encouragement, and I will always remember it!

My Swimming Gala Triumph!

Last Friday, my mom got an email from JKS saying that we have a swimming competition called the swimming gala. I was so nervous because I have never swum in a competition before. I asked my dad and he said “Go and enjoy the swimming, if you do not win it’s okay, you will have so much fun! So, I knew I had to try. The time had come, I saw all the parents. My heart was beating so fast that I beat everyone, and I got first place. I was so happy and proud of myself! We took photos and I stood on the podium that said First Place!

Salman Albakree Graade 5.3 The Swimming Gala!

Making Waves

Celebrating our Grade 5 Swimming Gala

The success of the Grade 5 Swimming gala was not just measured in the races won but in the smiles on every students face. The event provided a platform for our young swimmers to display their talents and build self- confidence. It was an exceptional day filled with laughter, sportsmanship , and unforgettable memories.

A big thank you to the parents and families who came out to support their children, It meant a lot for them that day.

We look forward to more successful events in the future and congratulations our Grade 5 students for making this Swimming Gala a fantastic and memorable experience for all!

Ms. Rania Ali 

PE Teacher

I can’t believe I won these medals! I’m so grateful for this moment. #SwimGalaChampion

Reina Fedaoui

I did it! I swam all the way to the end! I’m so proud of myself, and I had so much fun in the race

Sara Altassan

Grade 1 – Who we are

Unit of Inquiry

We are thrilled to share with you the exciting Unit of Inquiry that our Grade 1 students are currently immersed in – “Who We Are Through Our Five Senses.”

The central idea of this unit revolves around the fascinating concept of how we gather information through our senses. Our young learners are actively involved in practical life experiences that enable them to investigate and appreciate the ways in which we utilize our five senses to explore and interact with the world around us.

One of the thought-provoking aspects of this unit is the exploration of what life would be like without the ability to perceive the world through our senses. Through research and inquiry, our students gain a deeper understanding of this intriguing question, fostering critical thinking and empathy.

Additionally, our students embark on an exciting exploration of how animals use their senses to communicate and navigate their surroundings. This not only broadens their knowledge but also deepens their appreciation for the diverse ways in which living beings interact with their environment.

The students were exploring different tastes. Documenting what each food taste like and in what category it must go.


Ms. Madelein Smuts

PYP Homeroom Teacher

Sharing The Planet

In a heartwarming display of international mindedness, our Grade 2 students were actively engaging with the unit, “Sharing the Planet.” This unit not only fosters a sense of global awareness but also aligns with helping others and the planet we share. For the “Sharing the Planet” unit, students were focusing on the knowledgeable profile, emphasizing the importance of acquiring knowledge and exploring concepts that have local and global significance. Our students are delving into topics such as environmental sustainability, animal habitats, and creating a less polluted word. They were encouraged to ask questions, conduct research, and develop a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of the world. The knowledgeable profile enabled students to foster a love for learning and develop critical thinking skills. Students were encouraged to think beyond the surface and consider the implications of their actions on the planet and its inhabitants. The “Sharing the Planet” unit also integrated various Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills, which are essential for the development of lifelong learners. Through group discussions, and group work, students refined their ability to express their ideas and listen to the perspectives of their peers. This not only enhances their communication skills but also promotes a respectful exchange of ideas. As the Grade 2 students continue to explore and engage with the “Sharing the Planet” unit, they are not only building a foundation of knowledge but also cultivating the skills and attitudes necessary to become informed, compassionate, and responsible global citizens. The IB’s commitment to holistic education is evident in the way these young learners are embracing the “Sharing the Planet” unit, demonstrating that even at a young age, they can make meaningful contributions to the well-being of the planet and its diverse communities.

Ms. Nicole Nortje

Grade 3 Homeroom Teacher

Omar Nazer & Mohammed Daggag
Mohammad Gaggag, Hamza Saddik & Yaman Al-Humaikani

How We Express Ourselves

Grade 3 Unit of Inquiry

Third graders have just completed another thought-provoking unit of inquiry themed on How We Express Ourselves. The central idea states that various art forms such as pictures, paintings, and photographs are an avenue for self-expression where we can share our ideas, feelings, and knowledge. Students were fascinated by how various elements of art could come together to formulate emotive self-expression in various ways. They discovered synesthesia when they used music as an auditory prompt to visualize shapes, lines, and color in order to create abstract pictures. They also took delight in interpreting their peers’ artworks and sharing their perspectives about those as well as their own creative work products. Next, students moved on to research art in a diverse range of cultures. They delved into historical contexts as well and were intrigued by the connections between various cultural art forms. All in all, our young IB learners concluded this unit with a newly informed appreciation of not only local art but also various art forms from all corners of the globe. Furthermore, they took pride and pleasure in their own capacity to be creative in their self-expression and interpretations of paintings, drawings, and photographs.

Ms. Fairoeza Weber
Homeroom Teacher

Grade 3 students discussing and contemplating various art elements and interpretations in a brainstorm session using visual thinking strategies
third graders categorizing various art forms by culture based on their previous online research
Show and Tell activity where learners share their appreciation of various aspects of their favorite books, including drawings and illustrations as visual representations

Starry Explorers

Grade 4 Students Embark on an Astronomical Adventure.

In the enchanting world of Grade 4, our young learners have donned their cosmic hats and embarked on an awe-inspiring journey through the realms of astronomy. Under the overarching theme of ‘Time and Place,’ our students are delving deep into the mysteries of the universe, seeking answers to questions that have captivated humanity for centuries.

Cosmic Time Travelers

 As part of their exploration, our young astronomers are taking a journey through the annals of time, unravelling the history of astronomy and the evolution of our understanding of the cosmos. From Ptolemy’s geocentric model to Copernicus’ heliocentric revelation, their minds are expanding like the universe itself.

As our Grade 4 students continue their celestial odyssey through the ‘Time and Place’ unit, they are not only gaining a profound understanding of astronomy, but also honing their skills in critical thinking, inquiry, and creativity. With the universe as their classroom, the possibilities for exploration and discovery are as boundless as the cosmos itself. These young stargazers are indeed on a journey that will leave a lasting impact on their education and their perspective of the world, both near and far.

Ms. Belindie 

PYP Homeroom Teacher 

Where we are in Time and Place

In our quest to ignite the curiosity and wonder of our students, we embarked on a fascinating journey through the cosmos in our recent unit, ‘Where We Are in Time and Place.’ We are excited to share with you the incredible learning experiences your children have had and how it has enriched their understanding of the universe. As one student exclaimed during our discussions on the global impact of space discoveries, “Learning about space made me realize that the technology we use today, like google maps, came from people exploring the stars. It’s like space is helping us in our everyday lives.”

By exploring these topics, our students now have a deeper appreciation of the role astronomy played in the daily lives and cultural practices of people in different periods. Another student shared, “Studying the stars and planets makes me feel connected to the past. It’s like we’re sharing the same sky with people from history.”

From ancient civilizations to modern science, discoveries such as the invention of the telescope by Galileo Galilei and the launch of satellites into orbit, have been instrumental in shaping our current knowledge. These historical insights vividly illustrate the connection between the past and the present, highlighting the ongoing evolution of astronomy as we explore the universe through time and space.

We hope this unit has ignited a lasting interest in astronomy, history, and the rich tapestry of human knowledge. Our students have demonstrated great enthusiasm and inquisitiveness throughout this unit, and we look forward to their continued exploration of ‘Where We Are in Time and Place.’


Mr. Imran

Grade 4 Teacher


 Grade 5 students positively embraced the migration unit and the students responded enthusiastically to the set provocations. The use of open-ended questions for research makes it evident that our students are becoming critical thinkers. After guided class discussions and groupwork, students have become more open – minded and view migrants in a different perspective.


Ms. Nicolette

Middle and Upper School (Girls Section)

High Quality Learning at JKS

What a quarter it has been!

Besides the daily activities of life in the middle and upper school, we hosted two visits by internationally renowned accrediting organizations. The purpose of the visits was to confirm that as a school, JKS continues to offer the highest level of education to its community.

The visits sparked a hive of activity and excitement amongst staff and students alike who were eager to talk about the wonderful things happening at the school. Teachers demonstrated interactive lessons filled with learning moments and students spoke enthusiastically about what it means to be an JKS IB student.

All in all, the visitors were impressed by the synergy that pervades the hallways and by the meticulous organization of the school. To say that we are proud of ourselves is an understatement.

Long may JKS continue to nurture its community and inspire excellence in the field of education!


Ms. Nichollete Marillier

Head of Middle and Upper School

Learning from the past can prepare us for the Future

Winston Churchill famously quoted “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”

This statement is important for both historians and future generations because in order to have a prosperous future, we must learn from the mistakes of the past.

In this current term, Grade 9 students have been studying the main causes of World War 1. By learning about this significant historical event, we can gain valuable insights that will prevent us from repeating similar mistakes. For instance, students learnt about the main causes that contributed to World War 1, namely militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. This knowledge has helped them grasp the importance of avoiding future conflict.

As for Grade 10 students, their focus has been on the inter-war period. They have acquired knowledge about the challenges Germany faced in attempting to recover economically from the war, and how their failures resulted in hyperinflation and an economic crash. This lesson has allowed students to understand the delicate nature of money and economy, emphasizing their significance. Additionally, they have learned about the negative impacts that wars can have on a country’s economy.

Ms. Halima Khan

MYP Individuals and Societies Teacher


The Benefits of Learning a New Language

In an increasingly globalized world, the ability to speak multiple languages provides numerous opportunities and diverse experiences. Learning a new language is an exciting journey that not only expands linguistic horizons but also offers cognitive, professional, and personal benefits.

Mastering proficiency in aa new language opens doors to:

  1. Immersive travel experiences and cultural insights. Learning the language of the country you visit allows for deeper engagement with diverse cultures, fostering meaningful connections and understanding beyond language barriers.
  2. Social and personal enrichment. Learning a new language promotes personal growth by instilling confidence, empathy and a deeper appreciation of diverse perspectives.


  1. Career prospects. Industries such as business, tourism, healthcare, and education highly value employees who can effectively communicate in different languages, creating opportunities for global collaborations.


Challenge yourself and embark on the journey of learning a new language!


Ms. Sandra Picard

MYP/DP Spanish Teacher


Many ancient civilizations, including the Harappan, Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, utilized a numeral system known as decimal. Decimal numbers are employed when a greater number of precision is necessary that what can be provided by whole numbers.

The current representation of fractions in decimal format was standardized in 1616 by Jon Napier, a Scottish mathematician who introduced the decimal point. Decimals are extremely valuable in practical situations due to their ability to deliver precise measurements when needed. They are extensively utilized in industries such as science, engineering, commerce, and finance. Additionally, they prove useful in areas like currency exchange, sports, fitness, and construction.


Ms. Rania Moussa

MYP Mathematics Teacher

Discovering the Marvels of French Language

French is the second most widely learned language in the world. It is not just a language; it’s like a special code that connects people all around the world.

Napoleon Bonaparte, a prominent figure in history, aimed to preserve the uniqueness and purity of French, so he established something important known as the Académie Française. This institution acts as a guardian, ensuring that the French language remains elegant and unique throughout time.

Here at JKS, we have been immersing ourselves in the intricacies of French and learning about words that describe our daily routines. Let’s take, for example, the phrase “Ensuite je me brosse les dents” (Then I brush my teeth), where the words connect like friends holding hands through a remarkable feature called “liaison”. This phenomenon seamlessly joins the final sound “t” in “Ensuite” with the subsequent word “je,” creating a melodic flow. As we dive into the harmonious relationship between language and culture during our studies, let’s appreciate the wonders of the French language!


Ms. Helene Hardy

MYP/DP French Teacher

Stress Management

In a school year filed with quarterly exam, we understand the pressure students may feel. Here is a helpful stress management toolkit to overcome challenges and thrive:

  1. Breathe Deeply: Take short breaks to practice deep breathing. Inhale positivity, exhale stress.
  2. Break it down: Approach tasks in smaller, manageable portions. Small victories lead to big significant success.
  3. Healthy Habits: Nourish your body with nutritious food, stay physically active, and ensure you get enough restful sleep. Your well-being is your superpower.
  4. Connect: Share your burdens with friends or mentors. A problem shared is a problem halved.
  5. Mindfulness Moments: Embrace short mindfulness exercises to stay centered. Your ability to concentrate will appreciate it.

Remember, you’ve got this! Take care of yourself, and success will follow.


Ms. Jamela Antone

MYP/DP PE Teacher

"Unlocking the Imagination: Developing Minds Through Creative Writing"

Albert Einstein famously once said, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” At JKS, we believe in nurturing creativity through the teaching of creative writing. This invaluable skill not only enhances self-expression but also cultivates analytical thinking. Engaging in creative writing enhances analytical abilities, enabling students to approach life skills with innovative solutions. Creative writing empowers students to explore diverse perspectives, broadening their understanding of the world and encouraging global citizenship. Creative writing can inspire students to express their personal and cultural values and beliefs in their storytelling, at the same time exploring their place in an increasingly global society. Beyond the classroom, these skills become essential in traversing life’s challenges. We encourage our students to wield the pen as a mighty tool, unlocking the endless potential of their imagination.


Ms. Gehan Edries

English G9-12 Coordinator

World Science Day 2023

World Science Day for the year 2023 is a celebration of the wonders of scientific exploration and discovery. It serves as an inspiration and symbol of progress. This globally recognized event not only acknowledges the contributions of scientists, but also fosters an appreciation for the important role that science plays in our daily lives.

Each year, this day serves as a platform to highlight the significance of science and its practical applications in shaping our understanding of the world. It encourages curiosity, promotes innovation, and underscores the importance of evidence-based decision-making.

In line with this year’s theme, “Building Trust in Science,” the focus is directed towards sustainability as a crucial aspect of scientific endeavors. The urgent need to address environmental challenges, combat climate change, and ensure sustainable development is at the forefront of scientific research and innovation.

To celebrate this occasion, we performed exciting science experiments to motivate our young students. These experiments aimed to encourage them to recognize and appreciate the achievements of scientists worldwide, while also acknowledging their dedication. We reaffirm our commitment to supporting and promoting the invaluable pursuit of knowledge for the betterment of humanity.

Ms. Prabashinee Naidoo

MYP Science Teacher / Science Coordinator (G6-8)

Embracing the Journey of Learning: A Recap of Our Parent/Teacher Conferences!

Recently, our school community came together for a series of meaningful Parent/Teacher Conferences involving our MYP (Middle Years Programme) and DP (Diploma Programme) students. These sessions were more than just meetings; they represented an opportunity to strengthen our connections and enhance the educational experience. 

During these conferences, our dedicated educators engaged in insightful discussions with parents, sharing academic progress, celebrating achievements, and setting collaborative goals. It was a space where we collectively explored the unique journey of each student, with parents gaining a deeper understanding of their child’s educational path. 

Beyond academics, these conferences fostered connections and trust between home and school. Open and constructive dialogues emphasized the importance of partnership in creating a supportive learning environment. We celebrate the commitment of our parents and teachers in these conferences, recognizing that their active involvement is instrumental in our students’ ongoing success. 

Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate more opportunities for such enriching interactions and partnerships, as we collectively shape the future of our MYP and DP students. Thank you for being an essential part of our school community, and for your unwavering dedication to our students’ growth and development.” 


Ms. Ashton Marillier

Deputy Head of Middle and Upper School

Getting the Big Idea: Teaching through concepts.

JKS believes in teaching through big concepts, extending learning beyond subjects to include meaningful ideas such as change, communication, and globalization.

Concepts play a crucial role in shaping and giving meaning to individual facts. They enable students to understand the significance of information and draw connections between various subjects, deepening their understanding of the world.

In mathematics, students learn about concept of change through calculating plant growth or savings increase over time. This practical approach not only helps in grasping mathematical concepts but also in comprehending their real-world implications.

In English, students explore the concept of perspective through literary pieces that offers multiple perspectives and narratives, encouraging a broader understanding.

In Spanish /French students discover the concept of culture and connections by learning how different cultures express themselves, developing an appreciation for linguistic diversity and cultural distinctions. This approach not only enriches their language skills but also promotes a deeper understanding of global perspectives and communication styles.

In our JKS philosophy, we express our commitment to preparing global citizens of the future for living, learning, and working in global environments, and addressing the complex problems and issues that will undoubtedly arise. This journey could not be more important.

Ms. Raghad Al Sheikh

MYP Coordinator


DP Application Process

We are pleased to inform our esteemed students and parents about the application process for the IB DP for the academic year 2024-2025 that took place last November. The IB DP is a globally recognized diploma program that provides life-changing education and prepares our students to succeed in an increasingly connected world.

For many years, Jeddah Knowledge International School has provided excellent resources and dedicated professional staff to help with the IB DP application process.

Admission to the International Full Diploma Program is determined based on the following criteria:

  • Level of student achievement
  • Four teacher recommendations
  • ATL indicators
  • Attendance record

All students and parents have received an orientation session to guide them through the course selection process. Students completed the online DP Application form, indicating their interest in participating in the IB Full Diploma program. The committee is currently reviewing each application, and decision letters will be sent to parents in January.

We hope that both our parents and students find the course selection process enjoyable as it plays a role in shaping the student’s future.

Ms. Natasha Awada

DP Coordinator

القدوة الحسنة

قال تعالى:(لَّقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِّمَن كَانَ يَرْجُو اللَّـهَ وَالْيَوْمَ الْآخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللَّـهَ كَثِيرًا)

الأنبياء هم القدوة الحسنة  والمَثل الصّالح لِجميع البشر ،منهم نستمدُ التربية وننهلُ من مَعِينهم القِيم التي تُرسّخ الإيمان، وتصنع من هذا الطفل إنسانًا مؤمنًا صالحًا عابدًا تقيًّا نقيًّا،

حرصًا من مدرسة  المعرفة العالمية  تمَ تحديد وقتًا لإثراء الطالبات والطلاب من خلال سَرْدِ قصص الأنبياءإيمانًا مِنَّا بأن معرفتهم لهذهِ القصص يُساهم في توجّيههم بشكلٍ مؤثِّرٍ وغير مباشرٍ نحو قِيم الأخلاق ومحاسنها، ويصرفهم عن قَبيحِ الأخلاق ومساوئها

Ms. Najwa Shalabi

Islamic Studies Coordinator


Cooking Up a Storm

In this quarter’s culinary journey, our skilled chefs have been “cooking up a storm” with a delightful blend of high-quality dishes while also having fun learning experiences.

One of the highlights was our Mac and Cheese Magic: The kitchen buzzed with creativity and hungry tummies as our aspiring chefs mastered the art of crafting the perfect mac and cheese. From understanding different types of cheeses to nailing the creamy consistency, students embraced the challenge with enthusiasm, turning the classic comfort food into a gourmet delight.

We also explored the flavors of the Mediterranean with our Chicken Salad Elegance and scrumptious Greek salad skewers: Elevating their culinary prowess, students delved into the vibrant world of Mediterranean flavors. From marinating chicken with precision to creating salads bursting with freshness, they seamlessly blended textures and tastes, producing Mediterranean chicken salads that showcased both skill and creativity.

Throughout these culinary arts lessons, we emphasized the importance of using high-quality ingredients, and mastering knife techniques. This not only contributes to visually appealing dishes but also fosters a love for culinary excellence. Our students are dedicated to their craft, which makes each cooking session dynamic and enjoyable. Every dish they create is a testament for their growing expertise.

In the spirit of “cooking up a storm,” our talented chefs have embraced the challenge and infused their creations with their personal talents and passion for cooking. We are excited to continue exploring, experimenting, and savoring the joys of culinary arts. Stay tuned for more delicious adventures in the kitchen!

Ms. Mishka Mahomed

Culinary Arts Teacher


We are excited to share with you the details of an event that will push your thinking, stimulate your creativity, and pique your interest. Prepare yourself for TEDx Jeddah Knowledge School Youth on Saturday, January 20, 2024, an incredible event including prominent speakers, stimulating concepts, and boundless opportunities!

The objective of TEDx Jeddah Knowledge School Youth, an independently run TED event, is that ideas have the ability to transform the world. This year’s event will have “Personal Growth” as its subject since our goal is to foster an atmosphere that fosters creative ideas and life-changing narratives.


Ms. Sarah Naanoue

Pastoral Head

Jeddah Knowledge School Youth TEDx

رؤية 2030

 (رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية 2030) هي رؤية من أجل غد مشرق وآمن ، تهدف من خلالها إلى تنمية مستدامة وضعت نصب عينيها  الاعتماد على المشتقات النفطية، والتنويع في الاقتصاد، وتحسين الاستثمار في قطاع الخدمات العامة، مستثمرة ماحباها الله به من نعم ومقومات  جغرافية وحضارية واجتماعية وديموغرافية واقتصادية عديدة، تمكنها من تبوء مكانة رفيعة بين الدول القيادية على مستوى العالم. ولبناء مستقبل أفضل للوطن.

وتدعم مدرسة المعرفة العالمية رؤية 2030 من خلال برنامج المتاحف والمعارض عن طريق تنظيم رحلات مدرسية لزيارة تلك المتاحف (المتحف البينالي ).

ولتعزيز الهوية الوطنية لأبنائها قامت المدرسة بمشاركة طلابها وطالباتها رحلة عبر برنامج جدة التاريخية

للتعرف على ما تضمه جدة التاريخية – المدرجة في قائمة اليونسكو للتراث العالمي- وأسواقها التاريخية وما يزيد عن ٦٠٠ مبنى تاريخي بهندسة معمارية فريدة تعكس قدرة سكانها على التكيف مع بيئتهم.

ولغد أفضل وتحويل تلك  الرؤية –( رؤية  2030)  إلى واقع ملموس ومجتمع حيوي واقتصادي مزدهر يحقق لأبنائه الرفاهية تم تنظيم رحلات للفورميلا شارك فيها طلاب وطالبات المدرسة والتي تعد جزءا من برنامج جودة الحياة وليروا كيف الأحلام أصبحت واقعا بفضل من الله ثم جهود دولتهم.

Ms. Shough Al Nahdi

MYP/ DP Arabic Humanities Coordinator


One thread shines out prominently in the vivid weave of school life – the celebration of self-expression. It is a concept that pervades every aspect of our campus, presenting itself in numerous shapes and channels. As we explore the various pathways of creativity, one arena that stands out is drama, where students can express their thoughts, emotions, and unique viewpoints on stage.

In essence, self-expression is the assertion of one’s identity, a strong weapon for communicating who we are and what we believe in. Our school community thrives on the many different voices that contribute to the rich diversity of experiences. From passionate classroom discussions to energetic hallway encounters, self-expression is not only encouraged but cherished as an essential component of our identity.

In the realm of drama, students find a unique and compelling medium to express themselves. Drama is more than just a stage performance; it is an exploration of emotions, a journey into the depths of human experience. Through roles and scripts, students step into different shoes, experiencing a range of emotions and perspectives that not only enhance their understanding of the world but also serve as a mirror reflecting their own selves.

This serves as a reminder that self-expression is a dynamic and multidimensional phenomenon that takes shape through art, music, debate, math, science, and, yes, the exciting realm of theatre.

Let us continue to cultivate and celebrate the many facets of our school community. Each voice adds a unique colour to the canvas of our shared experience, transforming our school into a brilliant tapestry of individuality and creativity.

Ms. Robin Matjhabane

Drama Teacher

طرق الحفاظ على لغتنا الأم

إنّ اللغة ليست مجرد وسيلة للتخاطب والتواصل فحسب ،إنَّها انتماء وهوية وثقافة، ووعاء تحمل موروث الأمة العلمي والتاريخي والأدبي، وتجعله تراثا حيّا يتداوله الناس، واللغةُ هي مَن تقيم روابط الاتصال والانسجامِ بين أبناء الأمة الواحدة وبين تاريخهم، قال المفكر الألمانيّ فيخته : “اللغة تجعل من الأمة الناطقة بها كلاً متراصًّا ” .

تلعب اللغة الأم دورًا حاسمًا في حياة الشخص لأنها تشكل هويته وثقافته. واللغة الأم هي اللغة التي تعلمها الشخص منذ ولادته وكبر وهو يتحدثها، إنها اللغة التي يعبر بها الناس عن مشاعرهم وأفكارهم، وتظهر جليا الروابط القوية بين الثقافة واللغة الأم بإحكام من خلال الأفكار والعادات والتقاليد، إذ يتم نقلها من خلال التواصل بكافة أشكاله.

ومن منطلق الحفاظ على اللغة العربية الأم فإن مدرسة المعرفة العالمية نظمت برنامجا مدرسيا لطلابها للاحتفاء باليوم العالمي للغة العربية ، وسلطت الضوء خلاله على تاريخ اللغة العربية ومكانتها وسعة امتدادها ، وثراء مفرداتها واستيعابها لصنوف المعارف والعلوم قديما وحديثا، كما عرّفت طلابها بدور القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية في نشر اللغة العربية واتساعها في العالم، إلى جانب دور علماء اللغة والمعاجم العربية ، والشعر والنثر العربي والأمثال العربية في نماء اللغة العربية والحفاظ على أصالتها. كما أبرزت في البرنامج جماليات الخط العربي بأنواعه المختلفة ومدى تأثيره على الفنون والمعمار العربي والإسلامي، وحثت طلابها على تقدير انتمائهم بلغتهم الأم والاعتزاز بها والحرص على تعلمها والحفاظ عليها.

إننا نعي أن اللغة الأم تحيا بالاستعمال وتعمر وتدوم. ولغتنا العربية استمدت ديمومتها وامتدادها من القرآن الكريم مصداقًا لقوله تعالى : ” إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون ” سورة الحجر ، آية (٩)، وعلينا نحن أبناؤها الحفاظ عليها فهي صلب تاريخنا وعاداتنا وتقاليدنا، فلنحافظ عليها كما نحافظ على قلوبنا.

Ms. Faozia Maabad

MYP Arabic Teacher

Middle and Upper School (Boys Section)

IB Video Tour

As part of the IB/CIS evaluation process, many of our students have participated in presenting our school facilities through a video tour where they have demonstrated their holistic development and their application of the IB Learner Profile attributes and the ATL skills.

Students have shown excellent communication skills as they were able to highlight confidently the diverse offerings of our school to their peers, teachers, and the visitors. Students were able to describe the school facilities from their own perspective and through their own words.

To that end, JKS will remain committed to ensure that our students continue to receive the high quality education by offering world class facilities that fosters a supportive and enriching learning environment, allowing students to thrive academically and personally.

Ms. Nisma Rahhal

Head of Quality Assurance / DP Associate Coordinator

Grade 12 Graduation Photo Shoot

It is at time of the year again when our Grade 12 students are preparing for the final graduation in June 2024. The photoshoot is an integral part of the history and culture of Jeddah Knowledge International School, where we celebrate together the successes of all our senior students by recording this moment for posterity.

The students were, as advised, smartly dressed with black suits, white shirts and a school provided yellow graduation tie, which combined with the cap and gown made every individual look and feel the part. Students reveled in the day as they took photos and shared happy moments from yesteryear, as well as discussed future university plans.

The photoshoot ran smoothly as expected, focusing on individual photos with various backgrounds that will be available for purchase in due course. In addition, a cohort photo, that will be prominently displayed for years to come will, was taken as testimony to the impending crowning moment.

On a personal and professional level, I experienced a mix of emotions, that ranged from incredible pride at this defining moment where the boys I knew as Grade 6’s are now well on their way to becoming the men and citizens we all hope them to be. The flood of memories does not cloud the fact that we still have much to do with Quarter 3 and 4, but we can savor this moment together before the final farewell in the summer.


Mr. Atiq Salakh Uddin

Head of Boys (G9-12)

MYP/DP Boys Library Monitors

The library at our school, Jeddah Knowledge International School, is a valuable source of knowledge, a place for learning, and a source of inspiration. It is more than just a room filled with books; it is a space where minds are nurtured, and ideas thrive. The essence of our library lies in its ability to spark curiosity, foster a love for reading, and empower students with information.

Our library monitors play a crucial role in maintaining this important space. They are responsible for keeping order and organization, making sure every book is in its proper place, keeping the catalogs up to date, and maintaining a quiet atmosphere for studying. They also assist their fellow students in finding resources, promoting a sense of camaraderie and helpfulness.

In this digital age, the library monitors also help bridge the gap between technology and literature. They ensure that electronic resources are accessible and running smoothly. They are the unsung heroes who keep the library running smoothly, preserving its essence as a center for learning and intellectual growth. Together, the library and its dedicated monitors are invaluable assets to our school community.

We encourage everyone to appreciate the beauty of this knowledge hub, waiting to be explored for its wonderful secrets of new ideas and entertainment.


Mr. Wilhelm Rudman

MYP/DP Boys’ Librarian

Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) - Libraries and Media Center (2)

Students Newsletter

Editors in Chief:

Reema Hafiz 

Abdulaziz Garoub

Celebrating Student Success and Building Social Skills!

As a celebration of their commitment and dedication to their learning, their hard work, and performance on the end of quarter assessments, our students enjoyed a memorable and engaging fun day planned by the student council.

Throughout the day, our students had the chance to participate in various activities that brought them joy and valuable learning experiences. One of the highlights of the event was the mini market organized by the student council. It was heartwarming to see the enthusiastic support from all our students, as they eagerly explored the charming stalls and interacted with their peers. 

In addition to the mini market, students were given the chance to connect their PlayStations to the smartboards in their classrooms. This unique opportunity allowed them to engage in strategy games that not only entertained them but also fostered their cognitive and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, games that promoted social interaction were encouraged, enabling our students to develop essential social skills in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. 

For those seeking a more leisurely experience, watching a movie on smartboards was an option. Of course, it comes as no surprise that many of them chose to engage in a friendly game of football, making the most of the freedom and relaxed atmosphere. 

Not only did this fun day provide a welcome break after a busy academic quarter, but it also presented an opportunity to cultivate crucial skills. The activities and events organized align perfectly with the development of one of our key goals: the acquisition of ATL (Approaches to Learning) skills. Specifically, the focus on social skills during this event allowed our students to enhance their ability to communicate, collaborate, and build positive relationships, all of which are essential for their personal and academic growth. 

We hope that the first quarter of school has been fruitful and rewarding for all our students. Let this joyous occasion serve as a reminder of the importance of celebrating success, fostering social interactions, and creating an environment where learning is not only educational but enjoyable. 

Wishing you all a wonderful continuation of the academic year! 


Mr. Gregory Lewis

Head of Boys (G6-8)

G3 Production

JKS presented its annual grade 3 production on December 12, 2023, where each grade 3 class of boys and girls were assigned a performance and got the opportunity to perform it in front of their parents. Students have spent up to a month practicing their performance before the show; this process may be difficult for some students, but it allows them the chance to discover their concealed skills and opens them up to different new opportunities. At JKS, students’ comfort is extremely prioritized, therefore the team organizing these shows always makes an effort to get to know each student’s talents before giving them a role in order to allow them the chance to expand their talents while also learning new ones. Productions also teach young grade 3 students valuable life skills needed in their day to day life and would be a great benefit for them in the future, skills like teamwork, public speaking, and creative thinking. These abilities are critical for a students’ growth, which is why productions serve as a learning opportunity. Productions are also a great opportunity for parents to celebrate their children together creating a better school community and a more welcoming environment for students.



Read Aloud Day

Read Aloud Day is an annual event celebrated in JKS, as its benefits cannot be overstated. This day promotes the importance of reading aloud to children, regardless of their age or reading ability. When children listen to stories being read aloud, they are exposed to a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures that they may not encounter in their daily lives. Additionally, students have the opportunity to discuss the story with their peers or ask questions about unfamiliar words or concepts. This encourages active participation in class discussions and develops critical thinking abilities.

At JKS, we prioritize public speaking because it is an essential skill that every student should develop and will need for their future lives. It helps them communicate effectively and boosts their confidence. “Read Aloud Day” is an extremely vital day to JKS as it offers the students of JKS a chance to gain many different skills, skills that will be a great benefit for them now and for their future.



Book Character Day

Book Character Day is an annual event for PYP students, providing them with an opportunity to dress up as their favorite book characters and bring them to life.

This year, Book Character Day was held on Thursday, November 16th. It was a highly successful and interactive day. This occasion allowed students to express their love for books in a creative manner by dressing up as characters from different books. They also had the chance to share the stories behind the books and characters. This day demonstrated to students the joy found in books, while also helping to improve their literary skills and showcasing their commitment to reading.

In conclusion, Book Character Day was a triumph for students, as it allowed them to share their enthusiasm through the costumes they wore. This event held great significance for young students and will continue to inspire them to read, enjoy, and be inspired by books here at JKS.




Forget sandwiches and cafeteria food. The Student Council team worked together and allowed the students of JKS to exchange their lunch boxes for some hot and tempting fast foods. It is 3 days before the actual day of distribution that the tickets are sold. Grade 6 up to grade 12 students start buying their tickets with enthusiasm and excitement. The Student Council and Prefect team worked well together at organizing menus, placing the orders and satisfying every student’s cravings.

The day of distribution is a very busy day, it turns the school into a hectic food court. The laughter everywhere, accompanied by the tempting smell of burgers and fries.

This “bake sale” wasn’t simply meant for pleasing purposes alone. All the money raised from this event goes to a charity event run by another team of students in JKS. All funds will be aimed at ensuring the success of the event “Mark It Day”.

So, what did this day teach us? It showed us how combining some basic thoughts and a few ingredients could end up as delicious successes. This day showed us that selling fast food at school was an act bigger than itself. Moreover, it emphasized to us that every thing that we undertake always has a mission, and when given chances, to help those in need.



G6 Field trip to tekzone

During the first week of December, sixth grade students had the opportunity to visit Tekzone as a school trip. The school provided this trip in order to balance between education and entertainment, and to enhance learning outside the classroom! Tekzone is an innovative indoor amusement park centered around technology and creativity, as a wide range of games including VR is offered. Tekzone requires problem solving and critical thinking, therefore, students experience creativity and the ability to work collaboratively with their classmates. Furthermore, Tekzone provides a hands-on learning experience that enhances students’ understanding of technology and its applications. This gives the students a chance to see real-world examples of technological examples. The futuristic atmosphere truly allowed students to engage with their classmates and enjoy their time in a place full of activities that is simultaneously fun and educational!



G12 Graduation preparation

The air vibrated with excitement and nervousness within the Class of 2024 JKS students putting on graduation robes. It might not be a walk in the park just yet, but the necessary steps towards the big day. Therefore, it is of great importance that a graduation practice should be well taken care of by all the upcoming graduates. They took the boys section practice on the 13th of November while the girls got their turn on the 22nd of November.

An important feature in the JKS graduation ceremony is the seating arrangement arranged based on the height order. The audience are always amazed by the incredible display of the cast lined up according to height from tallest to shortest every year. To create a suitable seating arrangement for them, they are asked to group themselves in three groups of tall, medium, and short.

As expected, the rehearsal would not be finished without taking their graduation photos by the JKS photographers. The smiles on the faces of the seniors would be priceless since that was an important moment for them and a picture they would keep as a precious memory of the ceremony.

It was not only another dress-rehearsal but also an opportunity for the class of 2024 to unite together as one to imagine what it felt like taking that last walk on the stage, not just a seating chart and a picture. The bittersweet realization that the big day was only getting closer although it may still be a few months ahead, but for the Class of 2024, the journey has already begun.