SY 2023-2024 Q1 Newsletter

The Official Publication of Jeddah Knowledge International School

SY 2023-2024

Primary School Newsletter

Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) - Primary School

Middle/Upper School (Girls Section) Newsletter

Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) - Middle School

Middle/Upper School (Boys Section) Newsletter

Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) - Upper School

JKS Students Newsletter

Preprimary and Primary School

Message From The Head of Primary

As the proud Head of Primary at Jeddah Knowledge school and an advocate of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program of Inquiry, I am excited to start another school year with your children.


Our commitment to the IB’s Primary Years Programme (PYP) shows our dedication to nurturing curious minds, compassionate hearts, and globally minded individuals. This year, we are eager to explore the six transdisciplinary themes that are at the core of the PYP. These themes will ignite curiosity, promote inquiry, and encourage a love for learning in our students.


From “Who we are” to “How we express ourselves,” each theme offers a unique perspective for your child to explore and make connections across different subjects. Our goal is not only to achieve academic excellence but also to develop critical thinking, communication skills, and a deep respect for others. These skills, known as ATL skills, are integrated into the curriculum and help students become independent, responsible, and reflective learners. They play a crucial role in the overall development of students in the PYP program.


I invite you to actively participate in your child’s educational journey this year. Attend our school events, join us for parent-teacher conferences, and celebrate the achievements of our young scholars with us. Your partnership is invaluable, and together, we can create a supportive and enriching learning environment.


Here’s to a fantastic school year full of discovery, growth, and memorable moments. Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of shaping the minds and hearts of the next generation.


Ms. Heather Champion

Head of Primary

Nursery Unit of Inquiry

All About Me

‘All About Me’ is the first Unit of Inquiry that Nursery students are taught about. During circle time discussions, students’ vocabulary is enriched by learning about body part names and their functions. In Art lessons, students made faces using cut-outs and learned the importance of their five senses. Students also participated in action songs such as ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ to enhance their gross motor skills. During this unit, students are also taught about feelings and emotions. Students engage in activities and discussions that allow them to identify emotions such as being happy, sad, angry, scared, or excited.

Nursery Homeroom Teacher

Pre-Kindergarten Unit of Inquiry

Family and Friends

Pre-Kindergarten students have been learning about their families and friends. They have learned who makes up a family and how families spend time together. We had various thought-provoking discussions centered around different families and their relationships. Additionally, the students have been learning about friendship. They had a great time reading the book “The Rainbow Fish” and creating their own rainbow fish. They talked about the significance of being a good friend and shared their thoughts with the whole class.

Ms. Brittany Seguin-Cotter

Pre-Primary Homeroom Teacher

Kindergarten Unit of Inquiry

How Are You?

Kindergarteners in KG3 are starting the new school year off on the right track! Students are currently learning about the unit of inquiry: How Are You? During this unit, they are thoroughly exploring the aspects of their health and well-being. Our young learners are discussing topics such as healthy and unhealthy foods, exercise, personal hygiene, and personal safety. They find joy in self-reflection, analyzing their own lunchboxes and lifestyles. By finding ways to better themselves, they feel more capable and prepared for first grade, fostering independence.

Ms. Sammah Amori

Pre-Primary Homeroom Teacher

Pre-Primary Red Day!

As an introduction to the mesmerizing world of color, the Preprimary Department at JKS celebrated Red Day on September 28th. Upon entering the school, you were transported to a sea of red. Hallways and classrooms were beautifully decorated in a blanket of red. All the children and teachers dressed up in their favorite red outfits, adding to the vibrancy of the day. 

In the morning, teachers discussed the importance of the color red in circle time as well as letting students show their different red day items brought from home.   Throughout the day the children were engaged in various activities related to the color red, from red songs to red arts and crafts, even eating red snacks.  

All the children looked happy and seemed to thoroughly enjoy learning about the significance of the color red through hands-on experience. Needless to say, Red Day was a success!  


Ms. Jessica Passero-Sadik  

Pre-Primary Homeroom Teacher

Pre-Primary Blue Day

What exactly are Blue Days, you might ask? Well, it is a designated day where we encourage everyone—students, teachers, and staff—to embrace and express their love for blue. We aim to reinforce the concept taught at school through various activities.

This academic year, students enjoyed painting, cupcake decorations, classroom rotations games and tabletop games, all of which reinforced the color blue.

In addition to the in-school activities, we invite parents to join us in supporting Blue Days at home. Encourage your children to share their experiences and reinforce the blue color in their everyday lives.


Ms. Heather Champion

Head of Primary School

Exploring the World of Reading with Raz -Kids

At JKS, we aim to develop and nurture lifelong readers. Raz-Kids plays a crucial role in achieving this objective. It is a captivating and effective online reading program specifically designed to enhance students’ reading skills in an enjoyable and interactive manner. We strongly encourage parents to actively participate in their child’s reading journey.

Here are some ways you can provide support to your child with Raz-Kids:

· Foster a habit of regular reading sessions at home.

· Keep an eye on your child’s progress and celebrate their accomplishments.

· Explore Raz-Kids with your child, making reading a delightful family activity.

By working together, we can motivate young minds and unlock a world of knowledge through reading.

“I love reading stories. I love to read because they have lots of pictures to see with reading.”

Abdulmalik Waggass 1.4

“I learn more about reading and answering the questions.”

Luluwah Altunisi 2C

Ms. Karen Whitehead

Deputy Head of Primary (Preprimary-Grade 2)

اليوم الوطني السعودي

تعد مناسبة اليوم الوطني السعودي من أهم المناسبات في حياة السعوديين. فهي تمثل مناسبة للتعبير عن الفخر والاعتزاز بالوطن والوحدة الوطنية. كما أنها مناسبة للتأكيد على أهمية الوحدة الوطنية وتعزيز روح الولاء للوطن. اليوم الوطني السعودي هو عيد وطني تحتفل به المملكة العربية السعودية في 23 سبتمبر من كل عام. يصادف هذا التاريخ ذكرى إعلان الملك عبد العزيز بن عبد الرحمن آل سعود عن توحيد البلاد وتسميتها باسم المملكة العربية السعودية في عام 1932. لذلك احتفلت مدرسة المعرفة العالمية بهذا اليوم المميز ،وتزينت سماء مباني المدرسة بالأعلام الخضراء والملابس والأهازيج  الوطنية واحتفلت أيضًا بالعديد من الفعاليات كالرسم والأعمال اليدوية للطلاب والإذاعة المدرسية الخاصة بنشاط الطلاب حيث تضمنت القصائد الشعرية والأغاني الوطنية ورفع الأعلام مشاركةً بالاحتفال باليوم الوطني من قبل الطلاب والطالبات ..وإليكم بعض من المشاركات من قبل طلاب وطالبات المدرسة :

أ. مشاعل الثقفي

نحتفلُ اليومَ، يومَ الثَّالثِ والعشرينَ من شهرِ سبتمبر لهذا العامِ بالذكرى الثَّالثةِ والتّسعينِ لتوحيدِ المملكةِ العربيَّةِ السُّعوديةِ وتأسِيسها على يدِ جلالةِ الملكِ ( عـبدِ الـعزيزِ بـنِ عـبـدِ الـرحـمـنِ آلِ سعود) رَحِمَهُ اللهُ الذي أعلنَ عنْ قيامِ المملكةِ في عامِ 1932م

وقد اُختيرَ هذا اليومُ يومًا وطنيًّا للمملكةِ، إذ تمَّ استصدارُ المرسومِ الملكيِّ بتوحيدِ جميعِ أجزاءِ الدَّولةِ السُّعوديةِ الحديثةِ لتصبحَ المملكةُ العربيَّةُ السُّعوديَّةُ

ونحنُ إذ نستذكرُ هذا اليومَ التاريخــيّ في مسيرةِ مملكتِنَا الـــعظيمةِ نُجدِّدُ عهدَ الولاءِ والوفاءِ لجلالةِ الملكِ (ســـــــلمانَ بنِ عبدِ العزيزِ) حفظهُ اللهُ ورعاهُ وأدامَ بقاءَهُ ونُؤكِّدُ سَيْــرَنا الحَثيث خلفَ خطــواتِ وليِّ العهدِ المُظَّفرِ الأميرِ (محمدِ بنِ ســـــلمانَ ) في تطويرِ المملكةِ وتحديثها في المجالاتِ كافة، ونقفُ خلفَهُ جُندًا أوفياءَ لإعـــلاءِ شأنِ المملكةِ وجعلها تتبوأُ مكانَتَها العالميةَ المرموقةَ بين دولِ العالمِ وفي المحافلِ الدوليَّةِ المختلفةِ

وفي إطارِ الاحتفالِ بهذا اليومِ العظيمِ تزيَّـنَتْ مَدرَســَـتُنا، مدرســةُ المعرفةِ العالميةُ، بالأعلامِ والشّعاراتِ والكلماتِ الوطنيَّةِ بمشاركةِ الطَّلابِ والمعلِّمينَ، وتنوَّعتِ احتفالاتها بالفقراتِ الوطنيَّةِ والبرامجِ المختلفةِ (عرض مسرحي، إلــقــاء شـعر، مسابقات…) التي من شــأنهـا أن تساهمَ في تعــزيـزِ الوطـنـيَّةِ لدى الطَّلبة وتعرّفهم بـقـيمةِ الولاءِ للـوطنِ وبأهمـيةِ التّـَعلـيمِ ودورهِ الكبـيـرِ في نهضتِهِ

أدام الله عزَّ المملكة وأفراحها

وكل عام وأنتم بخير

أ. رشا ديوب

Grade 1 Unit of Inquiry

How We Organize Ourselves-School

An inquiry to interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations.


by: Ms. Aadela van der Schyff

Primary Homeroom Teacher


First-grade students begin a journey of self-discovery and exploration of the world. This journey begins with their first unit of inquiry, which focuses on understanding the concept of organization and its significance in our daily lives and at school. During this unit, students learn about their roles, responsibilities, and rights as citizens and members of our school community. They also come to understand the importance of the entire school community and how their individual roles contribute to creating a successful, well-organized, and functional structure within our school.

Structure of Organization and the School Community

A Collage of Learning Experiences of Our G1 Students

Grade 2 Unit of Inquiry

Where We Are in Place and Time - Communities

In our school, we aim to provide well-rounded and immersive learning experiences for our students. Currently, they are engaged in a fascinating exploration of the topic “Where We Are in Place and Time.” This unit has allowed them to delve deeply into the concepts of rural, urban, and suburban communities, as well as appreciate the roles of public helpers within these communities. The unit is centered around two key ideas: “Place” and “Time.” Students have been able to understand their place in the world by studying different landscapes and communities that shape our planet. They have gained knowledge about the distinct characteristics and challenges of bustling cities, peaceful rural areas, and the areas that lie in between, known as suburbs. One of the main objectives of this unit is to explore the contributions of public helpers, who are often overlooked but play essential roles in keeping our communities safe, clean, and functional. Students have had the opportunity to learn about the responsibilities of firefighters, police officers, healthcare professionals, and other public servants, developing a deep appreciation for their dedication. Through engaging activities and discussions, our students have not only expanded their horizons but also developed a genuine respect and understanding for diverse communities and the hardworking individuals who serve them. This unit has not only broadened their minds but also instilled in them a sense of empathy and compassion for the world around them. As our students continue on this exciting journey, they are not only acquiring knowledge but also essential life skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and a sense of responsibility. This “Where We Are in Place and Time” unit is preparing them to be active, well-informed, and compassionate members of our global society. It is shaping them into citizens who value the importance of community and the individuals who contribute to its well-being. 

Ms. Mignon Gabryk

PYP Homeroom Teacher

Grade 3 Unit of Inquiry

How We Organize Ourselves - Self-Management

Third-grade students are actively learning about self-management, self-discipline, and personal goals during the first quarter. This unit encourages students to take responsibility for themselves

and become self-reliant. They are taught how to utilize their student diaries effectively, create to-do lists, and establish achievable goals. After setting their goals, students then strategize how to accomplish them throughout the quarter. Personal goals hold significance in motivating students to work hard, and learners experience a sense of fulfillment when they achieve their self-set objectives. Additionally, in these lessons, students collaborate in groups to discuss the most suitable approach for achieving their individual desires. They also learn the importance of timers, hourglasses, and using the clock to schedule their plans. Students demonstrated several attributes of principled students and displayed a reflective attitude towards the first quarter.

Ms. Sarah Heldreth
PYP Homeroom Teacher

Students in 3.3 set their Quarter 1 goals for both personal goals and academic goals
3.3 learners brainstormed about self-discipline

Grade 4 Unit of Inquiry

Who We Are - Brainstorm

We have had an exciting start to this school year. In our first Unit of Inquiry, Who We Are, the Grade 4 students gained a deeper understanding that learning and transmitting knowledge are essential traits of humans. This unit was very informative. The students explored various aspects of how our remarkable brain and nervous system function in our bodies and how we acquire knowledge.

During this unit, the students utilized their research skills to gather information about the nervous system. They excelled in communication and inquiry. Our Grade 4 students enthusiastically dissected a sheep brain in the science lab! This activity helped them identify the different parts of the brain and understand their functions. The teachers used a variety of strategies to help the students discover their individual learning styles. The main focus of this unit was to encourage the students to become inquisitive learners. They were encouraged to ask questions about topics that interested them, and they were motivated to take ownership of their learning.


Ms. Ferhana Gaffoor
PYP Homeroom Teacher

Students examining the sheep brain in the science lab.
Students researched about the brain during the library lesson.

Grade 4 Unit of Inquiry

Mind and Body Exploration

Our Grade 4 students began an exciting journey of self-discovery as they tackled their first unit of inquiry, titled “Who We Are.” This unit was a fascinating exploration of the intricate workings of the human mind and body, centered around three main lines of inquiry.


The first line of inquiry involved our students delving deep into understanding “How the Brain Works.” They explored the fascinating functions of the brain, uncovering the mysteries behind its role in shaping thoughts, actions, and emotions. Through activities such as dissecting a sheep’s brain in the science lab and engaging in thought-provoking discussions, they gained valuable insights into the incredible power of the human brain. Next, our students immersed themselves in the world of “Different Learning Styles.” They learned that each individual learner has their own unique approach to acquiring knowledge. Understanding these individual styles empowered them to succeed academically and appreciate the diverse learning experiences within the classroom. Lastly, our Grade 4 students explored “The Nervous System,” discovering the remarkable network that enables communication throughout the body. This exploration deepened their understanding of coordination, senses, and reactions, providing them with a profound glimpse into how they interact with the world.


Throughout this journey, they not only acquired knowledge but also developed essential skills such as critical thinking and effective communication. We are proud to have witnessed their growth and enthusiasm during this exploration of “Who We Are.”

Ms. Rifhath Hussain
PYP Homeroom Teacher

Grade 5 Unit of Inquiry

Who We Are - Fit for Life

The Grade 5 students were very excited to start the Unit of Inquiry topic on Fit for Life. We discussed the transdisciplinary theme – Who we are? In groups, the students began to brainstorm what they know about Fit for Life. The feedback from the groups was overwhelming. Then we began discussing what they would like to know about Fit for Life.

These are some of the questions that the students asked:

1. How do lifestyle choices affect my health?

2. How can I improve my lifestyle?

3. What are the lifestyle risk factors?

4. I want to learn more about the Body Systems.

5. Negative factors that influence the body.

6. What does a healthy lifestyle look like?

The students started their inquiry into these questions. They were divided into groups and each group chose a Body System to research. They put their research into a 5-slide PowerPoint presentation. Then they had to present it to the rest of the class. Each group worked really hard and achieved amazing results. We also had lively discussions on the other questions. As part of this unit, we briefly discussed Approaches to Learning (ATL Skills) and their importance, and connected some of the skills to the unit. Finally, we explored the meaning of the term Global Citizenship. We concluded the unit by doing a reflection.

Mr. Kevin Mathys 

PYP Homeroom teacher 

Grade 5

Unit of Inquiry – Who We Are

The Grade 5 students are enjoying learning more about themselves during our unit of inquiry, Who We Are. In this unit, the students explored the nature of the self, including mental, social, and physical health. With the topic Fit for Life, the students focused on their responsibilities towards their bodies. Throughout this unit, the students developed their inquiry and thinking skills while exploring the various systems in their bodies. They discovered how external factors can impact the way their bodies function and the importance of keeping their bodies healthy and safe so they can perform their best. During the unit of inquiry and science lessons this quarter, the students actively engaged, responding to thought-provoking questions and participating in interactive activities to gain a deep understanding of the concept. We hope that this learning experience has encouraged our students to make healthier choices throughout their lives.

Ms. Saleha Mahomed

PYP Homeroom Teacher

Middle and Upper School (Girls Section)

New year, new opportunities, maximising growth!

The new school is a golden opportunity to reflect on the past year and to set targets for the new year.

As lifelong learners we understand that reflection is critical to planning for success. Looking back at missed opportunities can provide direct for the new year. Setting personal goals and defining our personal success criteria helps us work at our pace guaranteeing future success.

The school has provided even more opportunities for students as they focus on their holistic development. From in school clubs to after school activities, students are spoilt for choice. In school clubs are student led and provide opportunities students to enhance their leadership skills.

We sincerely hope that students will make use of the wide range of opportunities available to them and wish them for the year ahead.


Ms. Nicholette Marillier

Head of Middle/Upper School (Girls)

Welcome to All Our New Students

Warm greetings to all our new students at Jeddah Knowledge International School! As we opened our doors on September 3rd, it was immense joy and anticipation that we welcome you to our academic family. We understand that embarking on a new academic journey can be both exciting and challenging, but rest assured that you are not alone. Our dedicated staff and fellow students are here to support and guide you every step of the way.

At JKS, we believe in fostering a nurturing environment where each student’s unique talents and abilities are celebrated. This academic year promises a wealth of opportunities for personal growth, academic excellence, and memorable experiences. As you settle into our vibrant and diverse community, we encourage you to actively engage in all aspects of school life, from academics to extracurricular activities. It’s through these experiences that you’ll discover your passions and make lifelong friends. Always remember, your success is our priority, and we are committed to providing you with the best education and resources possible. Together, we will strive for excellence and achieve remarkable accomplishments.

So, let’s embark on this exciting journey together, filled with knowledge, friendship, and the promise of a wonderful academic year ahead.

Ms. Ashton Marillier

Deputy Head (G6 to G12)/ MYP Business Teacher

الاحتفال بمرور 93 عامًا على تاريخ المملكة العربية السعودية

تحتفي المملكة قيادةً وشعبًا الموافق 23 سبتمبر باليوم الوطني الثالث والتسعين للمملكة العربية السعودية. ويستذكر أبناء الوطن ومن يقيمون على أرضه اليوم، هذا المناسبة الوطنية وهم ينعمون برخائه، ويتمتعون بنموه، معتزين بشموخه، ومتفاخرين بإنجازاته، وطامحين لمستقبل يحقق أحلامهم ويرسم طريقاً ذا خطى ثابتة للأجيال المتعاقبة، تحت ظل قيادة حكيمة سارت بالوطن إلى مصاف الدول المتقدمة، وسخرت كل السبل لراحة المواطن والمقيم، ليعيشوا بكرامة وعزة وسلام وأمان.


أ. شوق النهدي

Bastille Day

Saudi Arabia just celebrated its national day, how does it work in France?

The 14th of July, or Bastille Day is easily one of the most celebrated French traditions. This is the French National Holiday, or the equivalent of Independence Day in many other countries.

The French love celebrating Bastille Day and do so every year on the 14th of July. Paris, Lyon and Marseille are home to the country’s biggest celebrations. During the morning, Paris hosts Europe’s largest military parade on the Champs-Elysées. The French President and military commanders are always present.

Weather is usually at its summer best on Bastille Day, and people usually celebrate with a big picnic, or family meal outside. Come nightfall, France’s main cities put on impressive fireworks shows. In Paris, the show takes place on the Eiffel Tower, and hundreds of thousands gather in the streets to watch.

Vive le France

Ms. Amel Bennamane 

MYP/DP French Teacher

Celebrating National Days: in Spain and in Saudi Arabia

National days hold a special place in the hearts of citizens, serving as a time to celebrate heritage, culture, and identity. Spain and Saudi Arabia both have unique national days, each offering a glimpse into the rich history and traditions of their respective nations. Let’s explore the significance of Spain’s and Saudi Arabia’s National Days.

Saudi Arabia’s National Day – September 23rd

Saudi Arabia’s National Day, known as “Al Yawm alWatani,” is celebrated on September 23rd. Unlike Spain’s National Day, which has historical roots in exploration and discovery, Saudi Arabia’s National Day marks the unification of the kingdom.

The celebrations in Saudi Arabia include parades, fireworks, and cultural performances. It’s a time when Saudis reflect on their history, from the establishment of the kingdom to its transformation into a modern nation.

Spain’s National Day – October 12th

Known as “Fiesta Nacional de España,” Spain’s National Day is celebrated on the 12th of October. This date commemorates Christopher Columbus’s arrival in America in 1492 and is also a tribute to Spain’s armed forces. The most prominent event on this day is the military parade in Madrid, attended by the King of Spain, members of the royal family and high-ranking officials.

Spanish citizens take pride in their nation’s history and culture on this day, with celebrations featuring traditional music, dance, and cuisine from different regions of Spain. It’s a time when the country comes together to display unity and patriotism.




Ms. Sandra Picard

French/ Spanish Teacher

الأذكار والتحصين

تهتم مدرسة المعرفة العالمية بغرس أهمية وفضل الأذكار في نفوس طلابها وطالباتها وجعل ذلك ضمن برنامجهم اليومي ، وأول ما يفتتحون به يومهم الدراسي أذكارهم الصباحية أثناء الاصطفاف الصباحي، حيث يردد طلابنا وطالباتنا أذكار الصباح ، فيصبحون في معية الله وحفظه ، مما يعمل على استشعارهم بأهميتها في حياتهم اليومية سواءً داخل المدرسة أو خارجها

World literature as a Basis for Global Citizenship

Studying world literature is a powerful tool for instilling global citizenship traits in our students while offering them a unique lens through which to explore current global issues facing us. By offering an extensive, varied range of texts from diverse cultures, students gain important insights into the lives, thoughts, and perspectives of authors from around the world. These narratives transcend borders, helping our students empathize with different viewpoints and cultures. By engaging with global issues such as social justice, identity, and representation within the pages of these texts, we empower our students to become caring, knowledgeable, and open-minded global citizens, ready to tackle the complex challenges of a modern, interrelated world.

MYP / DP English Girls’ section

Developing A Global Citizen Trough The Age Exploration

The Individuals and Societies department is buzzing with excitement this quarter. Our students have been participating in thrilling reenactments, bringing iconic moments from the past to life.

The Age of Exploration serves as a compelling historical backdrop to nurture global citizenship. This epoch, spanning from the 15th to 17th centuries, witnessed the unearthing of new lands and cultures, fostering a thirst for knowledge and cross-cultural understanding. By studying this era, students can appreciate the interconnectedness of our world, emphasizing the need for cooperation, tolerance, and empathy across borders. The tales of explorers like Columbus and Magellan encourage critical thinking about the impact of exploration on indigenous societies, highlighting the importance of responsible global engagement. Thus, by delving into the Age of Exploration we can inspire students to become informed, empathetic, and engaged global citizens.


Ms. Fernal Murray

MYP Humanities Teacher

Embracing Global Citizenship in Our School Community

As part of our school’s commitment to promoting global citizenship, a whole school campaign was planned.

In line with JKS philosophy, this initiative aims to create well-rounded students who are academically competent and embrace their social responsibilities. In addition, our school’s focus on Global Citizenship comes in alignment with the IB  Mission Statement to develop “inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who create a better world through intercultural understanding and respect”.

The importance of being a global citizen has been discussed at morning line-ups, assemblies, and student presentations. They have explored global issues, praised cultural diversity, and considered various perspectives. They have explored how to foster empathy, embrace diversity, and actively engage in initiatives that address global issues such as climate change, poverty, and social justice.

Through these initiatives, our young minds are developing the knowledge and attitudes necessary to actively contribute to the development of a more positive, connected, and sustainable world. They are also developing a greater understanding of the world around them.



Ms. Raghad Alsheikh

(MYP Math Coor. / Assoc. MYP Coor./ MYP -DP Math Teacher)

Embracing Global Citizenship: Unlocking the Power of Service and Opportunities

In today’s interconnected world, being a global citizen is more important than ever. It means understanding and appreciating diverse cultures, embracing service to others, and seizing opportunities to make a positive impact. As students, you have a unique opportunity to cultivate a global perspective and actively contribute to positive change. By becoming global citizens, we broaden our horizons, develop empathy, and create lasting impact. 

Being a global citizen is about understanding that our actions have consequences beyond our immediate surroundings. By embracing this perspective, we become more aware of global issues such as poverty, climate change, and inequality. This awareness fuels our motivation to make a difference.

Service is a cornerstone of global citizenship. Engaging in service projects, whether locally or internationally, allows us to address pressing challenges and contribute to sustainable solutions. Such experiences cultivate compassion, teamwork, and problem-solving skills, empowering us to become agents of change.

Being open to opportunities is key to personal growth and success. Embracing diverse cultures, languages, and perspectives enriches our understanding of the world and enhances our ability to adapt to different situations. It opens doors to new friendships, collaborations, and academic or professional prospects.

By embracing the values of service and being open to opportunities, we can make a positive impact, both locally and globally. Let us rise above borders, celebrate diversity, and work together to create a brighter future. The world needs compassionate, open-minded individuals like you to shape a better tomorrow.



Ms. Anwaar Abdelqader

(CAS Coordinator/MYP Science Teacher)

Globalization in Mathematics

Have you ever had a meal that was too large for you to finish, so you stored some of it in the refrigerator for the following day? These leftovers can make someone else wonder where they came from when they open the refrigerator. However, you put them there; they didn’t magically emerge. They might even spend weeks there!

Globalization, the process by which nations are more similar to one another and dependent upon one another, didn’t just happen. It is a procedure that has existed for many centuries. There are leftovers in the world today from what people did in the past. This is called a legacy.

Our world was shaped by history’s finest mathematicians, who contributed to fields like physics, quantum mechanics, and information theory. Nuclear energy, space travel, robotics, and artificial intelligence are now commonplace. Our lives might have been significantly different if it were not for the great minds of the past.

In this article, you have looked into the leftovers or legacy of this exchange and transfer of cultural

ideas. How people benefited or suffered from the good and bad effects of globalization in the past has shaped the world we live in today!

Ms. Rola Hajjaj

(MYP Math Teacher)

The Importance of Assessing Prior Knowledge

A crucial aspect of education and learning is evaluating prior knowledge. It aids teachers in figuring out what information and abilities children already have before presenting new ideas or materials.

 By evaluating prior knowledge, teachers can modify their lesson plans and resources to better suit the requirements of their pupils. It enables students to add to their existing knowledge, fill in any knowledge gaps, and make connections between previously learned material and new information.

At JKS, we ensure that all DP students are being assessed in their prior knowledge learning especially in the following subjects; English, Arabic and Math. This process enable the teachers to identify any misconceptions or gaps that may hinder the student’s learning. In this way, teachers arrange reinforcement sessions that addresses the student’s specific needs.

 Additionally, assessing prior knowledge empowers students to take responsibility for their learning after they are aware of the areas that need improvement. Hence, students will participate in their own learning process by planning on how to improve these areas.

Overall, assessing prior knowledge is a valuable tool for both teachers and students as it impacts the process of teaching and learning.  It is one of the strategies utilized at JKS  to enhance student performance.


Ms. Natasha Awada

DP Coordinator

JKS Physical Education and After-School Activity Newsletter

Our primary objective and goal for Physical Education and after-school Activities at JKS revolve around instilling knowledge, fostering essential skills, and nurturing motivation for a healthy lifestyle and a lifelong commitment to physical activity and sports.


What’s New! 

We’re thrilled to introduce the latest additions – a brand new PE Kit adorned with our updated JKS logo. We hope you’ll wear it with pride!

During our PE lessons, our focus remains on creating a collaborative and safe environment where students not only support one another but also enjoy their time thoroughly. This academic year at JKS began with an emphasis on Planning for performance (Dance G6-8) and Ball Games (Floor Hockey G9 & Volleyball G10).

Swimming classes for Grade 6-8 have commenced on their swimming curriculum, which also includes essential water safety instruction. Students are gearing up to display their swimming talents at the upcoming Swimming Gala (date to be announced).

Excitement is in the air as JKS students dive into our after-school activity programs, featuring cheerleading, badminton, volleyball, and soccer teams. The students representing JKS on these teams are filled with enthusiasm and can’t wait to compete.


Ms. Jamela Antone

MYP/DP Physical Education Teacher & Coordinator

Middle and Upper School (Boys Section)


MUN! You may have heard about it from the United Nations, JKS students or the over five hundred thousand students that do Model United Nations (MUN) each year. MUN is a rapidly growing activity for students around the world. MUN is especially rewarding for students interested in health, technology, peacebuilding, and human rights.

As part of the JKSMUN Club weekly meetings, students become World Leaders. As a MUN “delegate,” students take on the role of a representative of another country to the United Nations, where they will argue for the policies of that country on the assigned topic, and eventually write a resolution on behalf of their assigned country. This means students put themselves in the shoes of an international diplomat and learn the issues facing another country, as well as how they would respond to that issue.

Students in MUN gain a wide range of skills and information critical to their success in school, college, and their later careers. Students learn public speaking and deliver their first speech in front of an audience. They hone their research skills and synthesize information from all over the world. They practice how to write policies and learn about cultures they never even knew existed. Just as importantly, students will learn critical social skills that will help them throughout life. Whether it’s learning to discuss complex issues and compromise or learning how to be a leader for the first time, many students will “find their voice” through MUN, and realize their leadership potential and social ability. MUN helps students build the Confidence to succeed.

The JKSMUN Club is run by our very own students who elect an Executive Board to facilitate the smooth running of this prestigious after-school club.

We take great pleasure in presenting the Executive Board for 2023/2024:

Ahmad Baroom

Secretary General

Hashim AlSharif

Deputy  Secretary General

Abdullah Kurdi

Head of Organization

Laith Basrawi

Head of Administration

Yousef Toonsi

Head of Press


Congratulations to our new Executive Board. We know that they will make us proud.

Mohamed Gaffoor

MUN Director

Abdulaziz Garoub

Head of Finance

Abdullah Kandil

Deputy Head of Finance

Abbad Marwani

Deputy Head of Organization

Faisal Abdulwahab

Deputy Head of Administration

Osama Radi

Deputy Head of Press

International School Library Month

International School Library Month (ISLM) is an opportunity not to miss, for those in charge of school libraries around the world to choose a specific day, week, or the entire month of October to celebrate the importance of school libraries and to celebrate everything that is special and great about them.

What is the history of International school libraries month?

The concept of a library can be traced back thousands of years as in the seventh century B.C., the Assyrian ruler Ashurbanipal founded the first systematically organized library in Nineveh, Iraq, of the ancient Middle East. Similarly, the Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt is believed to have housed up to 700,000 documents from various regions. Amongst other great libraries are the library of Caliph Al-Hakam in Spain, which housed around 400,000 books in the 10th century and Baghdad’s ‘Bayt al-Ikmah’ (‘House of Wisdom’), founded in 830 A.D.

The objective of ancient libraries was to improve the quality of life, extract knowledge, and gather information. People increasingly began to see the value of having publicly available information centers. Libraries became common in towns and cities worldwide!

Long before the emergence of all online search engines, people with interests and queries used to go to their local libraries as these were the most reputable sources that they knew and relied upon. A reference librarian would answer your question or direct you to a number of books with all the necessary information that you needed. Many people predicted that libraries would become obsolete as the Internet’s impact grew in the 1990s and 2000s because all the knowledge in the world was all of a sudden at your fingertips. Despite this, community libraries have continued to thrive, becoming more popular than ever. The reason for this is because the Internet definitely does have some weaknesses. Libraries provide spaces for learning and allow individuals to learn about the past while teaching new perspectives.

Why you should get involved

School librarians and libraries are incredibly valuable to a child’s education, whether it’s to encourage them to read more or to support their research homework. Add in the fact that everything is free, and it just makes sense to encourage your students to learn everything about using them.

Create a positive reading environment

Every classroom should have a reading corner; a place that is inviting. Children should be excited! Perhaps create a themed reading corner.

Why should you celebrate International School Library Month?

School libraries and their librarians are often unnoticed heroes of the education system. They’re a consistent source of important information and knowledge that supports children throughout their school lives, but they also provide so much more:

School Libraries are packed with valuable educational materials, be it on paper or the computer. By being there, a child’s curiosity can lead them to pick up an interesting book or explore something new. It’s a great motivator for learning and can help improve their results as well as other inspiration techniques.

The quietness of a library lends to a more focused and concentrated pupil with fewer conversations or even noise disturbances. Positive habits could be generated such as reading until the end of a chapter or time management. Technological access

A 2020 study from the ONS suggested that 96% of households in Great Britain had internet access. However, but that means 4% of the population could face limits with homework. There’s also no guarantee that if they have a computer and internet access, they have programs, software, or attitude to complete their homework or develop their skills. Their school library likely will have the technology and atmosphere to help.

Many children have phones and laptops at home, but not everyone does.

School libraries are said to have a definite positive impact on reading enjoyment and pupils’ opinions of reading. The libraries and librarians offer expertise and insights.

Of course, the main benefit is that all these resources and services are free – they cost the user absolutely nothing. They provide a uniquely valuable experience.

Mr. Wilhelm RudmanMYP/DP Librarian & SEN (Boys)

Sport & Fitness

Dear JKS Family, 

As we begin a new school year, we are excited to fully engage in the world of sports and fitness at Jeddah Knowledge International School! From the House Points System to our after-school clubs, we have a lot planned for our Grade 6-12 students this year.


Join Our After-School Clubs!

September 27 – December 7, 2023 At JKS, we believe that being active and healthy is crucial for every student’s overall well-being. That is why we offer a variety of after-school clubs to suit all interests and fitness levels. Whether you are an experienced athlete or wanting to try something new, we have something for you. 

Here are a few of the clubs available:

  • Volleyball Club: Improve your coordination and teamwork skills through our volleyball club. It’s a great opportunity to have fun and build strong friendships both on and off the court. 
  • Swimming Club: Dive into the world of aquatic fitness with our swimming club. It’s a low-impact sport that benefits cardiovascular health, muscle tone, and stamina. 
  • Table Tennis Club: Enhance your reflexes and concentration with table tennis. It’s a fast-paced sport that provides both challenge and enjoyment. 
  • Golf Club: Discover the joys of precision and patience with our golf club. Golf not only helps you stay active but also teaches valuable lessons in focus and patience. This is a new addition to our offerings at JKS, so stay tuned for more information. Get Back in Shape and Eat Healthy! As we embark on this exciting journey of sports and fitness, it is also an ideal time to focus on getting in shape and adopting healthy eating habits. 


Physical Fitness

Regular physical activity not only boosts energy levels but also improves our mood and cognitive abilities, making it easier to excel in academics. Here are some tips for starting a healthier lifestyle: Stay Active: Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day, whether through our after-school clubs or individual workouts. 

Maintain a Balanced Diet: Fuel your body with nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid excessive sugary and processed snacks. 

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, especially during physical activities, to stay properly hydrated. 

Get Enough Sleep: Ensure you get sufficient sleep to support your body’s recovery and growth. Set Goals: Set achievable fitness goals, whether it’s improving running speed or making healthier food choices, to stay motivated. In conclusion, we are thrilled to embark on this sports and fitness journey with our Grade 6-12 students at JKIS. 

Now is the perfect time to prioritize a healthy lifestyle. Let’s make this year a success in terms of sports and wellness! Stay active, stay healthy, and stay amazing, Jeddah Knowledge! 


Kevin Language 

MYP DP Physical Education Coordinator

Embracing a Lifestyle of Healthy Eating


Healthy eating is not just a trend; it’s a way of life that can significantly impact our overall well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, where convenience often takes precedence over nutrition, it’s essential to understand the importance of making wise food choices. This article explores the key aspects of healthy eating and provides practical tips on how to incorporate it into your daily routine.

The Foundation of Healthy Eating

At its core, healthy eating is about nourishing your body with the right nutrients in the right amounts. It’s not about strict diets or deprivation; rather, it’s about making informed choices that promote good health. A balanced diet includes a variety of foods from different food groups, ensuring that your body gets the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally.

  • Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are nutritional powerhouses, packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. They should make up a significant portion of your daily intake. Aim for a colorful variety to ensure you get a broad spectrum of nutrients.

  • Whole Grains

Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread, and oats are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates. They provide sustained energy and help regulate blood sugar levels.

  • Lean Proteins

Include lean sources of protein such as poultry, fish, tofu, beans, and legumes in your diet. Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues in the body.

  • Healthy Fats

While fats have a bad reputation, healthy fats like those found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil are crucial for brain health and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

  • Dairy or Dairy Alternatives

Choose low-fat or non-fat dairy products or dairy alternatives like almond or soy milk to meet your calcium and vitamin D needs.

Portion Control

Even healthy foods can contribute to weight gain if consumed in excessive amounts. Portion control is key to maintaining a healthy weight and preventing overeating. Use smaller plates and bowls to help regulate portion sizes, and pay attention to your body’s hunger cues.

 Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are often loaded with unhealthy fats, sugars, and additives. Limit your consumption of these items, and choose whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible. Reading food labels can help you make informed choices.


Staying properly hydrated is an essential part of healthy eating. Water is necessary for digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and more if you’re physically active.

Meal Planning and Preparation

Planning your meals in advance can help you make healthier choices and avoid impulsive, less nutritious options. Set aside time for meal preparation, and cook larger batches to have leftovers for busy days. This way, you’ll be less tempted to order takeout or grab unhealthy snacks.

Mindful Eating

Eating mindfully means paying full attention to your food, savoring each bite, and recognizing when you’re full. This practice can prevent overeating and promote a healthier relationship with food.


Healthy eating is a journey that can lead to a longer, happier, and more energetic life. By embracing a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods, controlling portion sizes, staying hydrated, and practicing mindful eating, you can take significant steps toward improving your overall well-being. Remember that it’s not about perfection but progress. Start making small changes today, and over time, you’ll experience the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. Your body will thank you for it.


Anusha Heralal

MYP/DP Culinary Arts & Home Economics Teacher

World Robotics Olympiad 23-24

The WRO (World Robotics Olympiad) is the largest robotics exhibition in the world. It is an event that is staged once a year. This year it was held at Effat university. The exhibition invites participants and coaches to ponder on their vision of robotics and to get acquainted with robotic science and related industries. This exhibition shows real robots at work, how they operate, the state of research in the field UN sustainability development projects and the concrete implications for our society.

Students had to research and use the resources from school to produce a project that connects Water transport or IT development a total of four teams participated and presented their work at the university, the judges were impressed and advised us to register the ideas for future implementation.

The event witnessed ideas and innovation of the students from JKS, who exhibited and shared with the guests, judges and parents on the use of their products and their significance in today’s world. Exhibits included a ship safety mechanism that alerts the ship captain in case of an accident, a gardening bot that plants seeds, a claw bot for cleaning plastic waste from the river and a water distillation bot.


Mr. Syed Adil Shams

(MYP ICT/PD/Robotics Teacher & Associate Design)

Why exams are still important in 21st Century Learning?

In the 21st Century, the focus will shift from curricula based solely on exams to a more student-centered approach. This new approach to assessment could include various methods such as portfolio work, peer assessment, self-assessment, and exhibitions of students’ work. Some may question why exams are still important if we are transitioning to student-centered assessments in the future.

However, exams remain significant because they help develop students as individuals, instilling values, promoting critical thinking, facilitating self-assessment, teaching resilience in the face of failure, and fostering a positive mindset to enhance the quality of education. Exams also enable teachers to better understand students’ mental capabilities and address any areas of weakness.

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) evaluates student work as concrete evidence of their achievements in line with the goals set by the Programme, whether it is the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), or Diploma Programme (DP).

The IB assessment procedures measure how well students have understood advanced academic skills in achieving these goals. For example:

  • assess the ability to analyze and present information,
  • evaluate and construct arguments,
  • solve problems creatively.

Basic skills are also assessed, including:

  • retaining knowledge,
  • understanding key concepts,
  • applying standard methods.

In addition to academic skills, IB assessments also promote an international perspective and intercultural skills when appropriate.

Student results are determined based on their performance against set standards, rather than by their position in the overall rank order. At JKS, we do not rank our students.

Parents and students can access the IB criteria in the students’ workbooks.

What will assessments look like in the future?

They will be:

  • Authentic: Assessments that prepare students for their future endeavors, using the technology they will encounter in their careers.
  • Accessible: Assessments designed with a focus on accessibility for all students.
  • Appropriately automated: Striking a balance between automated and human marking to provide the maximum benefit to students.
  • Continuous: Assessment data will be used to explore opportunities for continuous assessment to enhance the learning experience.
  • Secure: Incorporating authoring detection and biometric authentication to ensure identification and remote proctoring.

Jeddah Knowledge School is taking steps towards achieving these future assessment goals. As we guide our students towards the 21st century, we will adapt our assessments to be more student-centered, particularly in the PYP and MYP.


Mr. Atiq Salakh Uddin

Head of Boys (9-12)

Students Newsletter

Editors in Chief:

Reema Hafiz 

Abdulaziz Garoub


On September 4, 2023, Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) embraced the return of its students with a vibrant welcome-back event, establishing a strong connection and fostering an atmosphere of excitement and learning. From the beautifully decorated entrance gates to the engaging activities, JKS spared no effort in ensuring that students felt valued and motivated on their first day back.


As students arrived at the gates, they were greeted by a captivating display of colorful balloons, setting a joyful atmosphere right from the start. Smiles adorned the faces of teachers, staff, and fellow students, radiating warmth and enthusiasm throughout the school premises.


Engaging activities were organized to actively involve the PYP students and facilitate connections among them. Collaborative games and icebreakers played a key role in fostering friendships. In addition, JKS went the extra mile to entertain the kindergarten and PYP students by bringing in cosplayers dressed as beloved characters who danced and interacted with them, adding an element of excitement and fun to the event. Furthermore, for the MYP students, sports activities were organized, providing them with an opportunity to participate in physical challenges and further enhance their overall experience.


The success of JKS’s welcome-back event showcased the school’s ability to strike a harmonious balance between fostering a connection with students and maintaining a formal and professional approach to education. It demonstrated that learning can be enjoyable, engaging, and meaningful.



Grade 12 Student


On the 9th of September 2023, a heartbreaking incident took Morocco by devastating surprise, claiming the lives of over 2,800 people. This earthquake left countless families and homes broken and incomplete, and our hearts at JKS go out to all those affected. As we come together today to discuss this tragic yet important topic, let us remember the strength of the Moroccans. This heart-wrenching incident serves as a reminder of the unpredictable events that life throws our way, emphasizing the importance of global support.

In this difficult time, JKS extends their thoughts and prayers to the victims’ families.



Grade 12 Student


Another school year materializes with more amusing occurrences and affairs that come with it. The student council. A group of students elected by the school ambassadors to represent them in school affairs and activities. The primary purpose of a student council is to give students a voice in school-related matters and to help promote school spirit and community involvement. The council typically meets regularly to discuss issues affecting students and connive some of your favoured events such as bake sales, fundraisers, and community service projects. The student council executive board comprises various departments, including the organization, administrative, social outreach, creativity and finance. Six presidents hold The student council team together, each responsible for a specific age group. The elected positions of this year’s student council unit: president of the student council, Ziyad Sendi, along with Rama Sagr followed by the vice president, Fahad Al Saud.

Hashim Al-Sharif and Tamara Alnory, presidents of (9-12). Ahmad Baroom working alongside Wojod Alsharif, presidents of (6-8). The head of houses, Abdulaziz Balsharaf, is involved in integrating new events and is responsible for handling the house technique. The organization department, the backbone of all events and occasions, is regulated by Abdullah Kurdi, Mansour Abu Hussein and Dana Mofty as heads, alongside their team Osama Radi, Rawya Barzanji and Hanin Albahkali. The Finance department, affiliated with the resources and activities, consists of Fayez Al Sulaimani and Maya Mohamed Kaki as heads along with their team Abbad Al Marawani, Lilas Alamoudi and Ghalia Binhassan. The Administrative department is structured to regulate public relations, and social affairs are carried by Laith Basrawi and Joud Algaeiti, who evolved in the head positions, contributing to their team Fouad Daghistani, Maria Banaja and Maryam Almarzouki. Creativity is the team responsible for energizing events, including Firas Bahrawi and Maydah Kamel as heads, working alongside Hisham Bukhari, Farah Alim and Leen Attar. Social outreach, the people behind the screens who flourish a sense of excitement, Abdulaziz Garoub, along with Amira Bakheet as heads, involved with them Omar Al Nahfawi, Dayana Abuzinadah and Basma Alyamani. Hashim Al Harith taking over the head of security position, to ensure safety and the flow of the events that will soon captivate us. The student council is on the making of spectacular events that will definitely make this year worthwhile. The presidents eagerly extend their heartfelt appreciation and reflect on their unwavering dedication and enthusiasm.

Together, we can turn visions into victories and build a stronger school community. Be sure to join the student council when applications are open.

Rama SagrPresident of the student council

 I’m very excited about the events that we have coming up, and I can’t wait for the rest of JKS to see exactly what the student council has planned.

Ziyad SendiPresident of the student council

Last year was without a doubt a huge success for the student council, and with the events we have planned, I’m sure we can do even better this year.

Fahad Al SaudVice President

As one of the student council presidents, it has been a cultivating experience, and it has truly taught me that nothing is impossible; if you dream it, you can do it.

Hashim Al-SharifPresident of (9-12)

I’m so happy to be working with these smart and hardworking people.

Tamara AlnoryPresident of (9-12)

Being a part of the student council for one last time is a praise, behold, for unforgettable ventures and stimulating events that we would like to share with you

Ahmad Baroompresident of (6-8)

I’m very grateful to be working with a very intelligent group of people this year. We have a lot ahead of us.

Wojod AlsharifPresident of (6-8)


Grade 12 Student


Open House Introductory Meeting Day is an annual event organized by JKS at the start of each school year. Exclusively for parents, this event offers a valuable opportunity to familiarize themselves with the school and its system. Its primary objective is to introduce parents to the dedicated staff and provide a platform for discussing their children’s education.

This year, the open house meeting took place on Saturday, September 9th, 2023. To ensure a seamless experience, Grade 12 girl’s prefects volunteered to guide parents throughout the event, assisting them in finding their desired locations and maintaining an organized environment. Upon arrival, parents were directed to the auditorium, where Mrs. Elham Alfadli, the esteemed executive director of the school, warmly greeted them. Mrs. Alfadli shared insights about JKS, outlined the school’s rules and traditions, and addressed the new parents. Following the auditorium session, parents were invited to embark on a self-guided tour of the school’s buildings and facilities, providing a precious opportunity to meet with all the teachers and department heads.

Overall, the open house day proved to be a resounding success, offering parents comprehensive information and a warm introduction to the JKS community.



Grade 12 Student

WRO Competition

On the 18th of September 2023, JKS participated in the preliminary qualifiers for the Saudi World Robot Olympiad competition held in Jeddah, Effat University. Jeddah Knowledge International School sent its robotics students who are qualified for these events.


JKS is committed to the holistic development of its students through providing numerous electives that allow students to explore areas of interest. Each elective subject is equipped with a unique classroom environment that promotes learning and curiosity. JKS selected 8 students with almost two years of experience in the robotics lab to participate in the competition.


Here is an interview of Fouad Daghistani about his experience in the WRO, “I felt like all the hard work I’ve done in the robotics class has led up to this moment, where I was able to participate in a global competition using all the knowledge I had gained from class. After two years of studying robotics, I greatly developed my problem-solving, communication, teamwork, and research skills. With these skills and working alongside Abdulrahman Toonsi, we created a video and comprehensive report that was presented to the judges and guests at the event. It’s because of the school’s resources and our dedication that we were able to represent the school and our families in the best way possible.”



Grade 11 Student


What is MUN?  

Model United Nations (MUN) is a student-led club where students (grades 9-12) debate problems that are relevant to everyday life while serving as representatives in UN committees. Students get the opportunity to participate in debate, diplomacy, and international relations through MUN. Delegates represent nations and speak during debates on behalf of those nations. By thoroughly researching the topic, a delegate can determine if their nation supports or opposes it. In addition, delegates will start developing resolutions and opening speeches. The JKS MUN club gives students all the support they require to be ready to deliver effective opening speeches, debates, and resolutions in advance of the JKS MUN conference. The MUN club teaches students how to write effective research papers, collaborate with others, gain more confidence, and become stronger at public speaking. It also helps students develop their writing skills.


Secretary General

Lamar Jan and Ahmed Baroom

Deputy Secretary General

Wojod Alsharif & Hashim Alsharif

Head of Finance

Layal Alqahtani & Abdulaziz Garoub

Deputy head of Finance

Lilas Alamoudi & Abduallah Kandil

Head of Organization

Tamara Alnory & Abduallah Kurdi

Deputy head of Organization

Jude Ardawi & Abbad Abduljawad

Head of Administration

Sara Althaqafi & Laith Basrawi

Deputy head of Administration

Leen Abulnaja & Faisal Abdulwahab

Deputy head of Press

Tala Alowaidi & Osama Radi

Assistant Deputy of Administration

Mariyah Ainoosah

Head of Admins

Basma Simbawa

Head of Press

Joud Aldakhil & Yousef Toonsi

Deputy head of admins

Jood Alamoodi


Grade 12 Student


Bake sales are a significant part of student council activities within JKS, bake sales provide an opportunity for hardworking students to provide food for the younger students, while also creating a fund for Markitday and its charitable activities. Furthermore, bake sales are what unites all student council departments, everyone is equally involved to provide a valuable and enjoyable experience for our students, bake sales are run by the students and for the students to show our spirit of student support and the trust between staff and students. Bake sales are an essential part of the student council, whether it be the boys or girls school, everyone gets a chance to serve their peers and experience an annoyance event within the school. Additionally, a good example of that is the Albaik sale held within the school during the last couple weeks, where students went out and took orders during their break time, showing their sense of self-sacrifice and hard work, afterwards many students worked in collaboration whether it was the finance department managing the funds, the organization department setting up the distribution venue or the creativity department working on menu items and designs. Essentially, bake sales are the collection of the students hard work and desire to provide a fun eco for their fellow students, promoting an entertaining school environment that balances its student’s learning and enjoyable experiences.



Grade 12 Student

JKS Saudi National Day

In honor of the 93rd annual historical Saudi National Day, JKS hosted a seminar for its students highlighting the rich history of our beloved country. Through coordinated staff presentations and innovative interactive quizzes, the JKS students got a deep exposure and understanding of Saudi Arabian history. Furthermore, the school management encouraged students to wear traditional Arab clothing like thobes to express and embrace their Saudi Arabian culture in response to the national day. Additionally, JKS students were asked to bring traditional food from their homes to highlight their love once again for our rich culture and history. This showcases the school’s commitment to embracing heritage. To encourage student engagement and participation, the school organized a range of competitions and performances. The Saudi National Day-themed talent show featured students showcasing their talents through traditional dances, music performances, and poetry recitations that honored Saudi Arabian heritage. These performances not only entertained but also educated the audience about the traditions that make Saudi Arabia unique.

Ahmed Baroom

Grade 12 Student