SY 2022-2023 Q4 Newsletter

The Official Publication of Jeddah Knowledge International School

SY 2022-2023

Primary School Newsletter

Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) - Primary School

Middle School Newsletter

Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) - Middle School

Upper School Newsletter

Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) - Upper School

JKS Students Newsletter

Preprimary and Primary School

Nursery A

Seasonal Clothing

Clothing is a part of our everyday lives. Our children in the Nursery learned about seasonal clothing. Even at a pre-school level, children still have their preferences as to what they like to wear. The students in our class drew pictures of coats and boots for the winter and sunglasses and t-shirts for the summer. 

Dressing dolls and ironing clothes develop fine motor skills and make a fun lesson for developing creativity and imaginative play. 

We did many hands-on activities, sorting and classifying pictures to see which season they match to. The Nursery students enjoyed sticking pictures of clothes onto the teddy. 

Ms. Khaloud AlFassi
Nursery A Teacher

Pre-K Unit of Inquiry

A Bug’s Life

Pre-K students have been exploring “A Bug’s Life” in our Unit of Inquiry. Students have been investigating various types of insects and bugs, noting their similarities and differences in anatomy, habitat and food consumed. 

Students were able to categorize a range of bugs and insects according to different criteria, such as: has legs or no legs, wing or no wings, fly or does not fly, etc. Students were encouraged to develop their own investigative learning by using a variety of different resources to reinforce prior or extended knowledge. These included art projects using a range of different textural mediums; tactile and resin bugs were provided for students to explore with magnifying glasses and a bug hunt in the school gardens were conducted. 

Pre-K students also engaged and participated in fine and gross motor activities related to the unit along with discussion groups, where they created student led mind maps and graphs to record their findings, e.g., “Name a bug or insect, what is your favorite/least favorite bug or insect and why?”.  

Ms. Michelle Al-Ajour 
Pre-primary Teacher/PreK

Grade 1

Magnificent Materials

Students have been busy exploring different types of materials. In the science lab we were able to test and experiment with various objects to discover whether certain materials float or sink. We also discovered the properties of several materials by testing if a material was stretchy, hard, soft, or rough. After our research, we reflected on which material would be best to make a boat, a plane, and clothes.

Once we have learned about the different types of materials, it was time to look at how we process natural materials into man-made materials and objects. Did you know cotton grows on plants? We saw cotton fields and watched how cotton from the plant is processed and turned into the clothes we wear.

Ms. Lyndsey Simpson
Grade 1 Homeroom Teacher

Grade 2

Investigating Food Sources

Second graders began this unit exploring the concept of Food Sources.” We learned to define it and categorise it into two main sections; plants and animals. Then we looked at different sources of food, their features, and how they can change. We investigated different types of foods, starting with our favourite food. Next, we discussed ways in which we could locate, grow, and buy our food. A fun round-off was thoughtful and targeted group activities incorporating multiple learning strands. Students designed a flow chart demonstrating and visualising their knowledge of Farm to Table,” in which discussions were focused on how food is sourced and brought to our homes. Ultimately, we endeavour to encompass the IB learner profile through work, learning, and playing together happily in our school community.

Grade 3

How the World Works ?

Our Active Planet

We started this unit by thinking about what makes our planet active. There were many different ideas about that, such as Earth’s movement around the sun, waves crashing to the seashore, night and day, the four seasons, animals and plants living and growing in nature, as well as natural disasters. Our next step was to think about which related areas we wanted to explore most. After some discussion, we decided to investigate different types of natural disasters, their causes, as well as their impact on humanity as well as the environment.

Looking into some types and causes, we researched using videos and books. Many were surprised by some of the massive impacts natural disasters can have on affected people, as well as the landscape and infrastructure in the area. This led to some students volunteering to make models of the natural disasters they found most interesting and present them to their classmates. The next thing we were curious about was how to predict and keep ourselves safe from different kinds of natural disasters. This is what we are looking into now.

This unit is helping us achieve some important goals such as to develop a conceptual understanding of natural disasters through inquiry by asking relevant and meaningful questions, researching to find answers, thinking about relevance, and using good communication skills to share our findings. We are enjoying this unit and find the information interesting and important.

Mr. Fairoeza Weber
Grade 3 Homeroom Teacher

Grade 4

Boys section

Change in Materials.

In this Unit of Inquiry, we encouraged students to investigate reversible and irreversible state of matter. In groups, students researched and discovered that various materials could change state, simply by mixing certain elements, or by applying heat, or reducing heat to materials.  

Some experiments were done to further strengthen the boys’ understanding of this unit. Students had to do an experiment that demonstrated the process of mixing two non-reactive substances to create a new material. Each group had to present their findings, that included the central idea, lines of inquiry, concept questions and answers. This prepared them for future research tasks and presentations in grade 5. 

Mr. Vincent Knoetze
Grade 4 Homeroom Teacher 



Grade 4

Girls Section

Making New materials

Students in Grade 4 have been growing their knowledge about different materials in the world around them. This included learning about how new materials are made, and how these new materials are used in their daily lives. The students studied these different materials and how they can be changed, manipulated, or combined into different types of materials that have different functions. With the characteristics of each material in mind, the learners were tasked with inventing a new device that will make their daily life easier. Each new invention was designed to be built using a specific type of material to suit its design and function.


Ms. Cindy Tapson 
Grade 4 Homeroom Teacher 

Grade 5

Boys Section

Unit of Inquiry – Media

The Grade 5 students were really excited to start the UOI topic on Media. We unpacked the transdisciplinary theme – How we express ourselves? In groups, the students started to brainstorm what they know about Media. The feedback from the groups were amazing. Then we started discussing what they would like to know about Media. The students wanted to learn the following:  

  1. The different forms of Media.
  2. How does Media connect us to the rest of the world? 
  3. The different viewpoints of various Media sources.
  4. How does Media influence our choices, and that of society?


The students started their inquiry into these questions. They worked really hard and came up with some amazing results. They will present a mini project on social media. It was interesting to see that their favourites social media was Snapchat and YouTube. Lastly, they had to write a short summary about what they have learnt in Media. 

Mr. Kevin Mathys 
Grade 5 Homeroom Teacher 

Grade 5

Girls Section


Following the Ramadan vacation, in the final quarter of the 2022-2023 academic year, Grade 5 students in the PYP have been busy exploring the transdisciplinary theme of: “How We Express Ourselves”. In today’s world we are all inundated with media advertising from a variety of sources. Whether we realize it or not, the media can influence the way we think, act and the choices we make.  


By researching and delving into this “Media”, unit of inquiry, our students will hopefully gain insight and an understanding of the different forms of media, the different viewpoints expressed in the media and how the media can influence our behaviour and thinking. Through their own inquiry and research, the aim is for our students to develop critical thinking skills in order to make informed choices.

Ms.Thamara Nadasen 
Grade 5 Homeroom Teacher 

Middle and Upper School


A learnership is a type of vocational education and training program that combines theoretical (classroom-based learning) with practical (on-the-job) training. A learnership aims to provide learners with practical skills and knowledge that they can use to pursue a career in a specific field. Learnerships can be anywhere from 6 to 24 months and those who successfully complete the course will earn a qualification.

An internship is a temporary position that allows a student or recent graduate to gain practical working experience and exposure in a particular field. The essence of an internship is to make you experience what a particular role feels like in a full-time working environment. An internship also facilitates your personal and career development. Internships can be anywhere from one month up to a year.

Ms. June 

Choosing Between Physics, Chemistry and Biology

When it comes to choosing the subjects that you will be studying in DP, you should take your time to access the options thoroughly.  Some of the tips on how to choose the right discipline of science and set yourself on the path to success is: 

  1. Research each subject:  Speak to the DP biology, chemistry and physics subject leaders. Ask them to give you a brief outline of the course. Conversing with these teachers will give you some useful inside knowledge about the expectations and content of each discipline.  
  1. Combining Subjects to great effect:  Choosing all three or even two of the sciences would look good if you want to go to a particular University, however, also consider whether or not studying all of the main sciences is too much. 
  1. Think about your career path:  Research the University requirements that you need to meet in order to do a particular course in University. This will also motivate you stay focused in DP in order to meet the required grade.  


Biology: This course will involve the study of living organisms and their structure, physical environment, evolutionary principles and molecular interactions.  

Chemistry is a life science that involves the study of the composition, structure, as well as physical and chemical properties of matter.  

Physics involves the studying of matter, motion and behaviour in a defined space and time. It also covers the concepts of energy and force.  

Ms. Prabashinee 

How to Survive the Final Exam

Yes, it’s that time of the year again! Final exam season is here and there’s no question that many high school students (and parents) feel overwhelmed or anxious about how to score well on their exams. With some careful planning and preparation, it is possible to overcome exam day nerves, come out on top and survive the final exams without too much stress. 

The most important way to survive the final exam is to ensure that you have a clear study plan in place. Make clever use of organizational skills by breaking down study materials into manageable chunks, setting deadlines and utilizing mind maps or flashcards to summarize concepts and key ideas. Don’t forget about online resources like websites and educational videos. 

Another strategy for success is to take advantage of resources given in class. Pay attention to your teacher and take careful note of any helpful information or tips they provide. Practice past exam papers and refer to study guides and textbooks recommended by your teachers to get a better sense of the types of questions that may come up in the final exam. 

Lastly, make healthy living part of your study routine. Small steps such as eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, and getting sufficient sleep will help you both physically and mentally prepare for the exams. Note that it’s also important to give yourself adequate time for rest and recuperation ahead of the final exams. This will help relieve any exam-related stress and help you to retain your focus on the upcoming exams. Use the time to relax and spend quality time with your family before picking up your studies again. With the right mindset and thorough preparation, you can conquer your fears and survive the final exam season with ease. 

Ms. Gehan

A trip to space (First Saudi Female)

Rayyanah Barnawi is the first female, Saudi Arabian astronaut who went into space on a private mission to the International Space Station (ISS). It was of historical importance to the people and leadership of the kingdom, as it was the launch of a new phase for the Kingdom in space and will contribute to inspiring future generations

Rayyanah comes from a small town in Saudi Arabia where her father owned a farm and this is where her first experiment started. Since then her passion has always been research and exploring new things this passion has led her to study Biomedical Science at university.

She has nine years’ experience in stem cell research which stood her in good stead as stem cell research was part of the experiments assigned to Saudi astronauts.Rayyanah Barnawi is surely an inspiration to the younger generation as well as the people of Saudi Arabia.

Ms. Faiza M.  

The Importance of Honesty in Life

أخلاقك عنوانك

تحرص مدرسة المعرفة العالمية مع طالباتها على التوعية الدينية من خلال التركيز على غرس القيم والمبادئ والأخلاق الفاضلة ومنها الصدق والاحترام وقامت بتعزيز ذلك من خلال الأنشطة والطابور الصباحي والحوار مع الطالبات.

وقد ذكر فيه أهمية الصدق وأنه من أشرف مكارم الأخلاق وهو محبوب عند الخالق وأنه قول الحق وأمر الله به وأن الصدق يهدي الإنسان إلى الجنة. 

وأيضاً تم التركيز على الاحترام وأنه أحد القيم الحميدة التي يتميز بها الإنسان واحترام الشخص للناس يكسب محبتهم والاحترام من الأمور الضرورية في التعامل بين الناس .


Ms. Manal Al Harthi 

The Importance of Prayer in Life

أهمية الصلاة في حياة الإنسان المسلم

تحرص مدرسة المعرفة العالمية مع طالباتها على التوعية الدينية من خلال التركيز على أهمية الصلاة وفضلها وأنها الركن الثاني من أركان الإسلام وأول ما أوجبه الله من العبادات وأول عبادة يحاسب عليها المسلم يوم القيامة وأيضاً من خلال عمل برامج عن أهمية الصلاة في حياة الفرد والمجتمع وأن لها أثر عظيم على حياة الفرد في الدنيا والآخرة.

كما أن المدرسة حريصة على آداء الصلاة يومياً بالمصلى مع طالباتها ومعلمات الدراسات الإسلامية وتوضيح أمر مهم للطالبات وهو أن الصلاة نصليها لنرتاح بها لا ليرتاح منها.

Ms. Manal Al Harthi 

Summer Work

“Get ahead while the sun shines!” 

During long summer breaks, there is a risk of academic regression. Summer school work helps prevent this by keeping students mentally active and engaged. It helps maintain their knowledge and prevents a significant loss of learning during the break. 

While summer school work may not sound like the most exciting way to spend your vacation, it holds immense importance and can actually be quite fun. 

Ms. Justine 

What is reflection?

Reflection is an introspective and thoughtful process in which people consciously assess their thoughts, experiences, and behaviors. It encourages self-awareness, critical thinking, and personal development by helping people to gain insight and learn from their prior experiences. Reflection assists people in making educated decisions, setting goals for progress, and continually enhancing their ideas and behaviors to promote positive development.

Ms. Rajeshree 

Math Olympiad

The math department is pleased to share the outstanding accomplishments of our students in the Math Olympiad challenge that was held in May 2023. Over 200 students in grades 6 through 10 participated in the competition. The tests were developed to evaluate students’ creativity and logical reasoning in various mathematical areas, such as algebra, geometry, numbers, and trigonometry. Our students participated enthusiastically throughout the event, exercised their mathematical skills, and exhibited remarkable determination in solving the unfamiliar math problems.

We congratulate all our math Olympiad competitors. We are immensely proud of your accomplishments and are eager to watch you succeed in your future mathematical endeavors!

Ms. Mariam S 

JKS Spectator


Dear Readers,

JKS ensures to develop students’ knowledge and the skills necessary for a successful post-

secondary education, through advancing students’ enthusiasm for learning through

independent, critical and creative thinking. In addition to its academic excellence the school strives to create an environment built on mutual respect and care that encourages self-development and lifelong learning.

In student efforts to shed light on the continuous efforts of the JKS family to bridge the

gap between our potential and our achievements, we present to you the JKS Spectator, the first

student led JKS official newspaper.

Yours sincerely,

Editors in Chief:

Reema Hafiz 

Abdulaziz Garoub

JKS Quran Competition

The Quran competition that is held in our school is an event that encourages JKS students to memorize and recite the Quran and rewards such diligence through prizes. The competition involves participants reciting verses or chapters in the Quran in front of judges who evaluate their performance based on specific criteria. JKS organizes this competition during the month of Ramadan which is a holy month in the Islamic Religion.

This competition is important for several reasons, the primary one being to encourage students to memorize and recite the Quran which is considered an important act in Islam, and by memorizing the Quran the students are able to strengthen their connection with God. The Quran competition also provides an opportunity for the students to celebrate their faith and culture in an expressive way; through the memorization and recitation of the words from this holy book. This competition can also help promote cooperation between the students, as they work together to learn and recite the Quran therefore, they use communication and collaboration.

JKS holds this event annually to encourage the students to participate and make the memorization of the Quran exciting for the students to recite. Ms Elham, the executive board director rewards the students with prizes according to how they are ranked by the judges. This gives the students a push and encourages them to enter the competition.

Students can benefit a lot by joining this competition as the Quran can shape a child’s character and increase religious understanding and beliefs. Understanding and memorizing the Quran helps students unveil acts of kindness and honesty, and also helps them develop positive traits within society. As The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said: “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it”

“From experience, entering the Quran competition and preparing for it for a very long time made me feel very accomplished and proud of my hard work. My first time entering the competition was in the fourth grade and I won second place. I still had the motivation to join the following years and because of my determination and dedication, I have won first place ever since. Memorizing the specific chapters for the competition was a huge achievement for me, and winning the prize and benefiting from the chapters and all the knowledge that comes with them.” – Alhassan Binmahfouz

In conclusion, the Quran competition is a great way for the school to help JKS students strengthen their connection with their religion and a celebration of faith.

Amira Bakheet and Alhassan Bin Mahfouz


On the 6th of May, 2023, many families and individuals gathered to admire the innovative projects of the students of Jeddah Knowledge International School in different fields such as interior design, robotics, textile and fashion

JKS Interior Design students had an entire quarter, which is around a month and a half, to create astounding models of a room of their choice to be displayed for the public. The intricate models created by aspiring interior designers gave other students insight into the course experience and a glimpse of how their futures could look like if they were to travel this path. One student quotes, “I really enjoyed creating this project as I want to be an interior designer in the future. It made me fall in love with the field even more!”.

Despite the fact that this was the school’s first ever interior design exhibition, the day went smoothly and swiftly. Amazed parents were seen at almost every corner, impressed by the well-built models created out of materials such as cardboard, wood and fabric.

To conclude, I myself hope to see more creative models and projects in the future, showcasing my classmate’s and my own unique designs. As a JKS student I am glad to say that this experience was extremely beneficial and exciting and I was honored to be a part of this exhibit and contribute.

Yasmeen Alaswad

Well being campaign

Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) recently held a Well-being Campaign from May 21st to the 25th, aimed at promoting the mental and physical health of its students. The campaign was particularly timely as it took place just before the start of exam season.

JKS values the importance of well-being in education and recognizes that students who are happy and healthy are more likely to perform well academically. This is essentially the reason that the school prioritizes student well-being and has made it a core part of its educational philosophy.

One notable aspect of the campaign was a presentation on well-being by students from the DP section during the morning lineup. The presentation by the DP students was a powerful reminder of the importance of mental health, especially during the stressful exam season. The presentation gave students practical tips on how to manage stress and anxiety and encouraged them to nurture their well-being. By promoting student well-being, JKS is creating a positive and supportive learning environment that leads to better academic outcomes and higher student and parent satisfaction rates.

The school chose those specific days for the campaign bearing in mind that exams were approaching. This was a significant step to ensure that students were mentally prepared for one of the most challenging periods in their academic year. By promoting well-being just before exams, JKS is helping students enter the exam season with the right mindset, a positive attitude and a confident approach which can only lead to better academic results.

JKS is creating a balanced and motivational learning environment that encourages students to thrive by promoting mental and physical health.

In conclusion, Jeddah Knowledge International School’s well-being campaign is a testament to the school’s commitment to putting the needs of their students first. By setting student mental and physical health as a top prerogative, YOUR success is ensured.

Lana Shawli


JKS hosted its annual auto engineering exhibition on May 6th, enabling the students to present their skills and passion for auto engineering, presenting their projects in front of their colleagues, parents, and school faculty, as part of the JKS Exhibition.


The event was very successful this year guided by our exceptional Auto Engineering team of Grade 11: Mr. Adil, Mr. Haider, myself (Salman Albihery), Rafed Almahawi, Nasir Alshemimry, Kenan Kayyal, Yazeed Kabli, Nabeel Boghasha, Mohammed Alsaad, Raad Alotabi, Yousef Murci, and Omar Bin Laden. All students were assigned a role and given responsibility for planning this exhibition. Our team has put in hard work and dedication to building and perfecting the Ford Shelby Cobra and ensuring its running smoothly prior to the event. Working on the Shelby with my classmates from the beginning of the year and having this exhibition felt rewarding in terms of the time and effort that was put into both the car and event planning.


This year, we attracted the likes of Talal Mansi, the owner of the car dealership IBNMANSI Auto who joined us by bringing some of their most pristine and luxurious classic cars to the event.

In addition, the racing driver, architect, and entrepreneur Faisal Bin Laden joined us this year bringing his BAC Mono R Final Edition; a very special car made of full carbon fiber that cost well over a million riyals. We set the exhibition date as May 6 and started working at the beginning of April to hopefully top last year’s exhibition; acknowledged for its uniquely developed motors. Through The Auto-Engineering exhibition and the support and assistance we received from the Auto Engineering team, we were able to construct 4 motorcycles; a school record. Hopefully next year we will top it with the attendance, and support of the whole student body and school management. We welcome everyone to come and share our love for auto engineering and bring their cars with them to JKS’s next Auto engineering exhibition.

Salman Al-bihery


The Global Citizen campaign promotes a movement that aims to end extreme poverty by 2030 through both advocacy and activism. It encourages people around the world to take action and make a positive impact on issues such as education, health, and sustainability. By raising awareness and inspiring action, the Global Citizen campaign is helping to create a more just and sustainable world for all.

JKS supports this ethical campaign and has encouraged students to stand up the challenges held. During the morning PSE lineup, students introduced and presented the global citizen campaign. They shared information explaining the campaign, its importance, how it benefits people, and what JKS can do. The presentation was inspiring and included examples of what the school undertakes toward the campaign. The presentation encouraged both teachers and students to take further action, and raise our voices and awareness. To raise awareness, JKS held the campaign for two weeks and promoted volunteering, communication, and collaborative skills to raise awareness. JKS students used these skills to share awareness in the wider community and individually identified activities to be taken to show support for the global citizen campaign.

Maya Ahmad Kaki 

Ramadan at JKS

Jeddah Knowledge International School is not just focused on students’ education, but also on providing an enjoyable environment and specific activities for students on special occasions. During Ramadan, all students were required to attend the school during the first half of this holy month. JKS successfully managed to provide a balanced environment, requiring patience, understanding and compromise whilst balancing all that this holy month brings, including daily fasting alongside school work.

On the first day of Ramadan, which happened to fall on a school day, the school ensured that all students dressed up to celebrate the auspicious day and feel the holy spirit. This day was much-needed as it helped relieve the stress of school before whilst embracing Ramadan. It was also beneficial for younger students in the primary and middle year programs to gain a better understanding of what Ramadan is all about.

Our school’s efforts paid off, as evidenced by Malak Basamh, a ninth-grader’s words: “because the school held an exciting event on the first day of Ramadan, they made me look forward to the rest of this holy month and not worry so much about spending almost half the month learning.” The day went smoothly with the help and support of our school.

The primary year students enjoyed this day the most, as some were new to the experience, and this day helped them adjust to everything gently. They spent the day drawing, reading the Quran, learning new things about the month, and enjoying different activities while dressed culturally. The upper classes also appreciated this day as they got to wear traditional clothing, such as thobes, which represent their culture. This day held a special place in the hearts of all JKS students and was indeed unforgettable.

I am grateful to be in an environment that is quite aware of how to balance all events of life with one another, and I believe this day was a demonstration of how to effectively juggle both school and cultural traditions. Overall, the school’s efforts in creating a balanced environment during Ramadan were successful, and the first day’s celebration was a great way to start the holy month with joy and excitement.

Rimah Attar 

Financial Literacy

At Jeddah Knowledge International School, teaching students basic life skills is a priority. The school thrives to teach students life skills and methodologies that will enable them in the real world. Financial Literacy is the knowledge of how to make effective monetary decisions and is considered a valuable and important basic life skill therefore our school launched a financial literacy campaign from May to June. This campaign was aimed to provide us with the tools we need to keep track of our money both now and in the future. Financial Literacy can help us with reaching our goals by better understanding how to budget, save and spend efficiently.

During the school morning line-up, we discussed the importance of Financial Literacy and also created informative presentations on the subject. Through these presentations we gained insight into budgeting and how to be more mindful, responsible, and aware of the money we are spending.

Wojod Alsharif

JKS Art Exhibition

What is art? Art is the expression or application of human creative skills and imagination, typically in a visual form such as paintings or sculptures; producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. There are many reasons why students choose to study art. Some students may have a passion for creating and expressing themselves through different art forms, such as painting or drawing.


JKS is well known for being an influential school; as seen by the Art Exhibition that took place in the school on the 6th of May 2023. During the process of organizing their Artwork, students used their time management and creativity skills which play vital roles in being a JKS student. It is important for the school to host this event to allow the students to express their passion.


Not only did the students benefit from this experience, but also the school itself projected a good impression on the students’ friends and families whilst allowing students to show off their capabilities; which subsequently made their parents proud. From personal experience, I know I made my family and friends proud of my hard work, as well as my teachers.


Unlike all of the previous years, this year’s JKS Art Exhibition included all of the year groups starting from pre-k all the way up to the twelfth grade. All of the students worked on art pieces throughout the school year and presented them in the exhibition. This allows the students to express their artistic passion and for them to represent the school creatively.


In conclusion, the JKS Art Exhibition was an outstanding opportunity for students to demonstrate thinking outside of the box and producing their own exquisite masterpieces through continuous hard work in achieving the outcomes they aimed for.

Rabaa Fayez and Wessam Khouj

JKS Math Olympiad

The annual Math Olympiad event at Jeddah Knowledge International School, was held for three consecutive days starting from the 21st of May to the 23rd and brought students together for an unforgettable challenge. The Math Olympiad is indeed a challenging competition where students solve advanced math problems. They prepare by studying complex mathematical concepts and practicing problem-solving techniques. During the competition, participants are given a set of challenging problems to solve within a specified time limit. This event benefits us students by providing us with a platform to showcase our problem-solving skills and learn new, challenging concepts whilst under time restraints. Students who participated in the competition developed confidence in approaching challenges and explored the exciting world of mathematics. Throughout the competition, students encountered challenges and setbacks, but with determination and a growing mindset, they learnt how to be able to overcome these struggles, learn from them, and find solutions. These qualities extend beyond mathematics and prepare students to face challenges in various aspects of their lives by showing them that there is a solution to everything. The Math Olympiad is more than just a math competition; it is an opportunity for students to push their limits, embrace challenges, and discover the beauty of mathematics.

Mina Bardesi & Yusuf Ashi


Throughout the years Jeddah Knowledge International School has held many charity events that raise the IB learner profiles among students, however, the most notable event would be Mark-it Day which is held annually by each year’s Prefect Team and the Student Council-  student led groups that organize school events throughout the school year and represent the whole student body. This year’s Mark-It Day was no exception with an amazing amount of hard work put in by both the girl’s and boy’s teams to make the event as enjoyable as possible.  Under its auspicious and creative theme, Awaiting the هلال, many pop-up stands, carnival games, and food trucks were present at the event which brought in crowds of students and their families. This year’s Mark-It day was on March 16th which allowed as many people to attend the event as it was on a Thursday – right before Jeddah’s renowned Formula 1 Grand Prix – ensuring an eventful weekend for the students. The event was notably enjoyable for all ages as the countless activities prepared had all ages excited and happy to attend. Each year’s Mark-it Day aims to be an enjoyable experience for all and a way to help the community, and most importantly the money brought in by the event, which was a substantial amount, has been donated to charities throughout Jeddah. Mark-It Day makes our mark on our community and is an event celebrated by all at Jeddah Knowledge International School annually.

Laith Basrawi

Personal Project With JKS

The MYP Personal Project enables students to explore their interests, learn valuable skills, and make important contributions. It allows students to express themselves creatively whilst working on something they are genuinely interested in as this increases their chances of taking responsibility for their learning and also assists in developing a sense of independence for each student. Personal projects also allow students to focus on their own strengths, flaws, and personal progress; they develop self-discipline, self-motivation, and a sense of success by setting objectives and tracking their progress. IB Personal projects are mandatory for all in the MYP program and help students develop and improve new skills such as research, presentation, and time management; all of which are transferable to future academic pursuits. Speaking from experience, the Personal Project has helped us pursue our interests and learn more about our capabilities and knowledge. The Personal Project provided a chance to explore personal interests and learn more about a topic we are intrigued by or passionate about, as well as grow as people and look at our topics from a wide perspective.

The presentation alone has built our confidence, as we stood in front of parents, teachers and students whilst presenting our hard work, knowledge and research to them. We have become more responsible in terms of time management due to the impact the Personal Project has made on us and this will assist us in the future as we are more likely to meet all our deadlines. To conclude, the Personal Project is an extremely beneficial and required event that serves multiple benefits for IB students.

Hassan Altayeb and Suad Alaki


Jeddah Knowledge International School (JKS) recognizes the importance of Eid and how it is celebrated in our culture and traditions. Eid is a significant Muslim festival that marks the end of Ramadan. For Muslims, it is an essential occasion to reflect on religious beliefs, show gratitude for the blessings of Ramadan, and reaffirm faith.

After the Ramadan break, JKS organized a day for all Primary Years Programme (PYP) students to celebrate Eid together and appreciate this special time. The school values the opportunity to incorporate and embrace our culture and traditions in the learning environment. The Eid celebration was an excellent opportunity for students to communicate with one another and express their gratitude.

During the celebration, students participated in various activities that helped us learn about the significance of Eid. Students expressed gratitude and thankfulness for everything they have, whilst making arts and crafts and enjoying a picnic with their friends. Students also had the chance to dress in traditional clothing and take pictures together with the Eid backdrop provided by the school. Furthermore, morning prayers performed dressed in Eid clothes, and games and  activities were enjoyed alongside arts and crafts related to the festival.

According to Saif Elkhereiji, a student at JKS, “I had so much fun, I got to dress in traditional clothing, and make arts and crafts.” The Eid celebration at JKS provided a joyful and inclusive environment for all students to come together and celebrate this special occasion.

In conclusion, Jeddah Knowledge International School values and embraces our culture and traditions. The school recognizes the importance of celebrating Eid and helping students learn more about their faith and traditions. The Eid celebration was a wonderful opportunity for students to express gratitude, learn more about their culture, and have fun with their friends.

Maya Elkhereiji

JKS’s Group 4 Science Project

On the 24th and 25th of May, JKS held the mandatory Group 4 project that utilises IB learner profile skills of the students including collaborative learning.

So what is the Group 4 project? The Group 4 project is an IB Science research project with a specific theme, this year’s theme was “When the past meets the present”. All Grade 11 students were required to create a research question related to the theme, and choose at least 2 of the 3 essential sciences, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics; students were then required to undertake experiments and create interactive presentations with their outcomes. On the 25th of May, during the final half of the day, the Group 4 research projects were presented to the teachers and fellow students. One of the many benefits of the Group 4 project is that it helps students improve their collaboration skills with their peers. Another benefit is in improving research skills, and how to demonstrate innovative scientific research in presentations. Abdulaziz Garoub, a participant in the G4 Project, stated: “It was beneficial for us as students to engage collectively in groups and present our knowledge and understanding on our chosen topic, plus this revives our skills of researching and presenting, skills that JKS enhanced in us from a young age”. The Group 4 project was very organized and well thought-out through the joint efforts of the Science departments, resulting in an overall successful Group 4 project at JKS.

Omar Baslaim 


On Wednesday the 8th of June, Jeddah Knowledge International School awarded their highest academic achieving students with a breakfast hosted by the heads of the school. The event was held in JKS with 35 students from grades 6 to 10 invited. At this breakfast students discussed future plans they have for the school and suggested ideas that can make JKS a healthier community.

The breakfast was designed to recognize the outstanding academic achievements of the students and to encourage them to continue their pursuit of academic excellence. The students were chosen based on their academic performance, as well as their leadership skills and contributions to the school.

During the event, the heads of the school gave speeches congratulating the students on their accomplishments and highlighting the importance of education and hard work. They also took the opportunity to remind the students of the challenges they may face in the future but encouraged them to persevere and continue striving for success.

The breakfast with the heads of school is part of the Jeddah Knowledge international school’s ongoing efforts to recognize and support the academic achievements of its students. JKS is committed to providing a high-quality education to all students and recognizes the importance of celebrating the successes of its highest-achieving students.

Overall, the event was a great success and a testament to the hard work and dedication of the students at JKS.

Maryam Mahroos

Fashion And Textiles At JKS

The JKS annual exhibition is a great chance for us students to showcase our talents and creative skills. Textiles and fashion were included at this year’s event! The textiles and fashion exhibition featured our work from throughout the year. This included: tote bags, tops, abayas, and various embroidered patterns on pieces of fabric. The event is quite significant as it gives visitors, including family members and friends, a chance to see the creative creations. The process of creating all these creations has allowed us to build important skills such as innovation, creativity skills, communication skills, and to demonstrate determination. We collaborated on projects and communicated to ensure inclusion of everyone’s opinions. Creativity skills were gained as we made different products with different designs each time. JKS gave us the chance to show off our work in front of our family members and friends and that was an exciting experience. This also gives those from outside the school an idea of the numerous creative fields that JKS has to offer to its students. As a student in textiles and fashion design, my experience went well, I worked on many of the pieces that had been exhibited throughout the year and therefore I was delighted that my friends and family got the chance to see what I had been doing. I was thrilled that all of my hard work paid off!

Maryam Jamjoom

Recycling Campaign

From May 14th to 18th, JKS held a successful recycling campaign, organized by the students. The campaign aimed to encourage the community to recycle more and reduce waste. Throughout the week, students collected recyclable materials such as paper, plastic, and aluminum cans in designated bins placed around the school. JKS also organized educational activities and presentations through all grades to raise awareness about the importance of recycling and the impact of waste on the environment. The campaign was a huge success, with the JKS community coming together to recycle more than ever before. The initiative not only helped to reduce waste but also created a sense of responsibility and pride in the students for their contribution to the environment. The benefits of the campaign were not only environmental but also educational. It provided JKS students with the opportunity to learn about the importance of sustainability and the impact of their actions on the environment. It also allowed them to take ownership of their school and make a positive impact on their community. Overall, the recycling campaign was a great success, and we hope to continue to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility in the JKS community.

Zainaldien Al-Lulu


A group of JKS students recently returned from the THIMUN (The Hague International Model United Nations) annual conference in The Netherlands, with their heads held high and their bags full of awards.

The students, who were selected for their academic achievement and their commitment to MUN, represented a variety of designated countries as delegates at the conference. They worked hard to represent their countries’ interests in the debates, and they also had the opportunity to meet and interact with students from all over the world.

The JKS students were very successful at the conference, winning several awards for their work. They were also praised by the conference organizers for their professionalism and their commitment to the Model UN program. “The JKS students were an absolute pleasure to travel with to THIMUN,” said JKSMUN director, Mr. Mohammed Gaffoor. “They were well-prepared, articulate, and passionate about the issues they were debating. We were very impressed with their work.”

The student’s success at the conference is a testament to their hard work and dedication. They spent months preparing for the conference, researching the issues they would be debating, and practicing their speaking skills. “This was an incredible experience for all of us,” said JKS student, Shaker Alshareef. “We learned so much about the world and ourselves. We also made some great friends from all over the world. We’re so grateful for the opportunity to have attended THIMUN this year.”

The JKS students’ trip to THIMUN was a truly unforgettable experience. They learned a great deal about the world, they made new friends, and they represented their school with great distinction. They are an inspiration to us all.

Hashim Hazaaa Alsharif 

Culinary At JKS

Jeddah Knowledge this year provides a sophisticated culinary art class for boys in upper school.  The culinary classes are there to encourage the students to work on and improve their creative side. Furthermore, the classes also teach the students about the safety procedures and the proper handling techniques of various tools found in the kitchen.

The culinary art classes are provided to students who are interested in developing their cooking knowledge. The classes are taught by the head of the culinary arts department in the boy’s section, Ms. Anusha Heralal. She’s known for her encouragement to the students to step outside their comfort zone and test their creativity through trying new recipes and new ways to cook. The chefs in the kitchen also guide the students through the cooking process to ensure all the students have a great experience cooking. This was evident when interviewing one of our most skilled chefs Fares Bahakeem, who stated: ” Culinary Arts is an exceptional addition to the curriculum of the boys, and I discovered my talents in cooking with the help of Ms. Anusha; an amazing experience in the lesson alongside my friends”

Learning how to cook is a great everyday skill everyone should learn. JKS ensures to teach us not only academic skills but also life skills that will stay with us throughout life such as culinary skills. Cooking has many benefits, it expands your knowledge of more cultures around the world, it ensures healthier living, and it helps you socialize with other people who might be interested in cooking. Cooking all around is a great experience that can lead to beneficial opportunities for anyone.

Siraj Qurunfulah

Career Day

Career Day is an event organized by JKS to offer students an opportunity to gather knowledge about different career options available globally. Career Day aims to provide us students with practical advice and information about our career choices as it assists us with any inquiries we might have on different careers; this also helps us with making our decision regarding which subject path to go down.

As students, we need to know what opportunities are available for us after we graduate and all that comes with those opportunities in order for us to be fully prepared. The career day event was a great source of information to help us make informed decisions about our future pursuits as this day helped us understand what different career fields require from academics to skill sets, and personal qualities. It gave us an idea of what type of work we would like to do in the future, subsequently assisting us when choosing the best courses, applying for college programs, and even preparing for job interviews in the future. All students and teachers enjoyed career day and benefited a lot from it in matters of knowledge on high demand jobs and a variety of careers not previously considered.

Noor Almadani

FFFA (French Football Federation Academy)

The French Football Federation Academy regulates and develops the world’s most famous sport, football in France. The FFF was also a founding member of The Fédération Internationale de Football Association, which is the international governing body of association football, beach soccer and futsal. The French Football Federation launched its very own French Football Academy in Saudi Arabia, with the intention of bringing out certain human values through football and education. In Jeddah, the FFFA has partnered with Jeddah Knowledge International School, to ensure the students of JKS enjoy the best training facilities and environments. Due to the extra hard work put up by JKS’ executive director, Ms. Elham Al Fadli, JKS students can enjoy the sport of football, with UEFA certified coaches that are the best at what they do. The FFFA will teach JKS students to enjoy, respect, commit and tolerate all challenges that they might face when it comes to football. Students will improve their physical health, whilst also enjoying what they do. The French Football Academy also provided the students of JKS with the chance of attending the FIFA World Cup that took place in Qatar, JKS students had the honor to watch the world’s greatest players play, while enjoying many in-house activities arranged by the FFFA. To conclude the end of a hardworking and successful season, FFFA hosted a graduation ceremony, honoring the efforts of the players throughout the season with certificates certifying their unique participation and encouragement to team success.

Ahmed Abdullatif